Dont you see whats going on with AMC and GME stocks? Naked shares, price manipulation etc! Mostly by Citadel! Do your job! We had enough!
you need to look into the clear manipulation going on with AMC and GME stock price
Hedge funds must be hold accountable for shorting companies out of business. There should be fair limit of share available for short and time of in which a stock can be shorted. Naked and synthetic shares should be illegal.
There really needs to be individual markers or identifiers for each stock. This has been ridiculous to watch as there are "sythetic" shares that are causing an impact on the market as a whole.
When companies are fined millions for breaking rules that netted them billions, there is no reason to not break those rules. Naked Shorting is predatory upon companies and investors alike. Make the penalty greater than the theft. Along with potential criminal referrals. This is only way to clean up the marketplace. It's gone on far too long. While 70 million to average people sounds extreme
Please enforce margin calls and share threshold listings. Enough is enough Hedgie funds need to pay debut just like the rest of us. Naked shares cancel that. Not allowed to trade in dark pools cancel that. System is no where close to fair for retail traders.
Enforce the margin calls on shorts that are way out of money. If someone has a short at $20 and the stock is at $70, they shouldn't be able to short more before they cover their previous loosing shorting positions. Also prohibit share borrowing from cash accounts, my shares are my own and I don't want to lend them out to shorts... That's like shooting myself in the foot.
I agree with the proposed changes. Data on Short positions should be reported every day including synthetic short positions/naked shorts.
Ridiculous they're allowed to keep manipulating everything. They should HAVE to cover at this point and never be allowed to short again.