The TRACE monthly volume reports illustrate total and average daily trading volumes in Corporate, Agency and Structured Products reported to TRACE for the prior month. The data is grouped into Total, ATS (Alternative Trading System), Interdealer, and Customer Trades.
The monthly data is published on the third business day following the end of the month.
For any questions
Hi, These detailed changes are very important for a lot of people. They would leave the market as a much more transparent way to invest as there would be less reliance on rumour surrounding primarily short interest and synthetic shares. The companies involved in these large amounts of share borrowing would be much more open to legal action as illegal activity would be more obvious. These changes
The TRACE monthly volume reports illustrate total and average daily trading volumes in Corporate, Agency and Structured Products reported to TRACE for the prior month. The data is grouped into Total, ATS (Alternative Trading System), Interdealer, and Customer Trades.
The monthly data is published on the third business day following the end of the month.
About TRACE Volume Data
Hello i would just like to comment on how unfair it is to individual investors that market makers and hedge funds can route trades through the dark pools as they see fit with no oversight. I would suggest that you eliminate dark pools and make the fines greater than the profit hedge made from the illegal the illegal trading activity. Jail time is needed for market manipulation and short positions
My comment on the rules is to actually enforce them. Honestly, take a look at obvious naked short selling and market manipulation. We the people have lost trust in a "free" market.
SUBJECT LINE: Regulatory Notice 21-19 To Whom it May Concern, In a fair and open market there should be transparency and a level playing field for all investors. Right now, there is a massive deficit in access to information, trade speed, preferential terms and types of trades, and pay-to-play investing that heavily favors institutional investors over retail investors. Additionally, institutional
I am really in the dark about how a lot of the short sale regulations apply but more in AWE at how many of them are not enforced. Market Makers and companies like citadel should have to report ALL of what they do, should be held to a much higher standard and not be able to manipulate the markets through synthetic shares, dark pools and the like. It is basically stealing money from the retail
I deeply concerned with the validity of the entire stock market. Specifically, naked shorting and market manipulation amongst current hedge funds. Please investigate in detail naked shorting and delayed order flows.
We need the transparency and FAIRNESS in our markets. What do they have to hide? Why NOT report short positions? Does it give an advantage too not disclose them? This is WAY overdue!!
Thank you for the opportunity to make comments. I will begin by saying that short selling should be banned in the United States. It is antithetical to the law of supply and demand, is being abused by hedge funds and market makers and obscures transparency. Seeing as how FINRA and the SEC will not ban short selling here are some of my other suggestions 1. Each Individual Stock Share should have a