As a retail investor, I would like to even the playing field with institutional investors by allowing us the same access to information that they have, especially regarding short positions. Also, in addition to that, I would like short positions to have to be reported daily by no later than 30min after closing bell. This is MORE than enough time for them to calculate their total shorts taken that
I would love to have complete transparency in the market. Synthetic, naked shorts, all of it. Regulate the trading to make it fair. No high frequency trading algorithms that can easily manipulate the market and prevent retail investors from having a fair shot. I would really like to see all short information reported daily. Lastly, actual enforcement by the SEC of malpractice, instead of slaps on
I applaud FINRA’s proposed rule changes and support any rule that makes short interest visible to all investors. Free and fast information leads to better price discovery for all. Buried and outdated short interest reports serve only those who have short positions they wish to remain hidden and those who abuse FTD and naked shorting loopholes to manipulate prices. These actions hurt all investors
Hello FINRA, There needs to be way more transparency when it comes to short selling. It seems short sellers have endless loopholes that allow them to “hide” their true short positions. It certainly appears the lack of rule enforcement and lack of short sell information gives the hedge funds and MMs an unfair upper hand compared to retail investors. Fairness, enforcing rules and providing all
I’m sure you will get many comments but it would be nice to see more details on how companies are shorted in a given day as well as something which details what is considered market manipulation and how to report it because many “investors” feel they are getting a raw deal with hedge funds. I believe rules should be in place that a hedge fund cannot pay brokers for trade information especially
Comments: Regarding FINRA Regulatory Notice 22-08.
I was forced into early retirement as a result of Covid. As such, I was forced into living off my IRA earlier than planned. I have been investing and trading for 45 years. I am a small retail trader. I occasionally employ the use of leveraged and inverse ETFs to protect against losses or to enhance returns with due regard for their intended
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The NASD requests comments on proposed amendments to Article III, Section 5(b) and Article IV, Sections 3 and 4 of the NASD By-Laws, and Article IV, Section 5 of the
Beginning Monday, November 6, 2023, as described in Regulatory Notice 22-28 FINRA will require firms to report transactions in U.S. dollar-denominated foreign sovereign debt securities to TRACE.
FINRA has updated the TRACE Web API Specifications for Corporate and Agency Debt and the TRACE OTC Corporate Bonds and Agency Debt User Guide to align with these changes. As noted in the Regulatory
The 2023 Report on FINRA’s Examination and Risk Monitoring Program (the Report) provides member firms with insight into findings from the recent oversight activities of FINRA’s Member Supervision, Market Regulation and Enforcement programs (collectively, regulatory operations programs).
On April 25, FINRA issued an alert to member firms which highlighted a phishing attack using the domain name “”. This alert is to warn you about a new, potentially related, phishing attack also purporting to be from FINRA.