I am a Financial Advisor with LPL Financial and have been in the business for over 30 years. I have been using Proshare inverse ETFs with client portfolios purely as a hedge in accordance to LPL firm guidelines and limitations. My clients are generally pre-retired or retired folks, none of whom one would categorize as super rich. I comply with firm requirements and limitations related to the
I not regulators should be able to choose the public investments that are right for me and my family. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged. Removing these ETFs could potential force me to yet riskier investment vehicles like options trading.
I, but not regulators, should have the choice in how I spend my hard earned money. If regulators are concerned about misinformed choices, they could simply inform the public about the products they are buying instead of restricting their access to the leveraged funds.
I'm astounded that you would attempt to limit access to leveraged funds on on regulated securities through registered brokers on public regulated exchanges, while doing nothing to restrict trading of unregulated, crypto currency in speculative ponzy schemes, that are wildly volatile, and subject to blatant market manipulation with pump-and-dump as a regular practice. This is the
I believe I have a right to choose the assets I invest in. I am capable of understanding the risks associated with leveraged funds. Leveraged funds are a limited part of my portfolio and enhance my returns.
Please do not ban leveraged ETFS. We invest responsibly. Thanks
I oppose changing regulations for levered ETFs/ETNs. The products are a preferred alternative to options or margin trading. This also creates a slippery slope for more regulatory overreach. It is already difficult enough to get approval to trade certain types of options. Many brokerage firms require certain experience, but how can you get experience if you arent allowed to trade them? New
Leveraged ETF's allow me to mitigate downside risk in my long term holdings. It's important that I be allowed access to these instruments. Thank You
I believe us as investors should have the freedom to choose the investments that fit our objectives and risk appetite. No special requirements should be implemented in order to do this. I see leveraged and inverse ETFs as an alternative to stock derivatives in my portfolio.