As an informed investor, let me have the freedom to continue on to invest in leveraged and inverse products. Yes, investment is not without risk, but why should certain firms have more access than an individual investor?
How about instead of trying to regulate the free market you start preventing congress from trading on inside information aka nancy pelosi. Leave my leveraged etfs alone you communists
Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. (“FINRA”) is filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC” or “Commission”) a proposed rule change to amend the Code of Arbitration Procedure for Customer Disputes (“Customer Code”) and the Code of Arbitration Procedure for Industry Disputes (“Industry Code”) (together, “Codes”) to apply minimum fees to requests for expungement of customer
These financial insteuments are vitally important for an informed and sophisticated investor to use for the retail investor. Perhaps vetting new investors is a better option. For any investor with years of experience, these leveraged instruments are vital and must be kept.
Examinations are central to FINRA's regulatory operations, and they are one of the principal means by which the organization protects investors and promotes market integrity. FINRA's examinations also aim to provide valuable feedback to firms on areas for improvement and best practices based on insights we have gathered from examining others in the industry.
FINRA Rule 4111 establishes an annual process by which FINRA designates as “Restricted Firms” member firms that present a high degree of risk to the investing public, based on numeric thresholds of firm-level and individual-level disclosure events.
(a) To compensate for minor variations in annual net income, the Board of Governors of FINRA may increase or decrease the total charges in this Schedule by 10% from the base charges as adopted on July 24, 2002 upon filing such change with the SEC pursuant to Section 19(b)(3) of the Exchange Act.
(b) To facilitate the development of new information services and uses under
FINRA is publishing its quarterly OTC Equities High Price Dissemination List for the first quarter of 2024. This updated list of OTC equity securities eligible for trade report dissemination for trades of fewer than 100 shares is effective as of June 21, 2024. To view changes, visit the Daily List: Security Attribute Changes page, select the “Unit of Trades” filter and enter June 20, 2024 as the
This publication outlines emerging insider threat risks and helps member firms identify, prevent, detect, and respond to these threats, including:
identifying how insider threats can occur at firms, and what factors may indicate that these attacks are on the rise;
providing a summary of core controls and effective practices firms may consider when evaluating their insider threat
WASHINGTON – FINRA’s Board of Governors met on Sept. 24-26 at FINRA’s offices in New York, where it approved six rule proposals and received several operational updates from FINRA staff.
The Board continued its engagement with key stakeholders by meeting with two officials from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC): Pete Driscoll, Director of the SEC’s Office of Compliance Inspections and