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Joseph Bellofatto Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Joseph Bellofatto

The core notion behind this campaign is that retail investors are not knowledgeable enough, intelligent enough or informed enough to decide what to do with are hard earned money. The state already takes from us, in the form of taxes, monies to fund social security and invest those funds in h way congress sees fit. It would seem only fair that what is left for us to invest, be done so by what we believe to be fit. Has the investment world no room for us independent investors making our own independent decisions, based on the information we glean through our due diligence. Have we no right to monetarily exercise our own franchise? I vehemently oppose the codifying of a notion that grown adults, bearing some of the nation's most difficult tasks are then too incompetent to decide for themselves what to do with what meager earnings they have left (after numerous forms of taxation spent arbitrarily by their public servants for political gain) at the end of the day. No to this proposition, no now, no forever.