i oppose the decision to rectrict leverage or inverse funds, everyone should be able to make money in bull or bear markets and appropriately allocate their funds in order to maximize their funds in specific time periods
I am strongly against FINRAs proposed limits that may restrict access to L&I Funds or to disqualify me from trading L&I Funds or other "complex products".
I have a strong understanding of the characteristics and risks of L&I Funds, and that their purpose is for short-term active trading, and that they should be monitored regularly.
I am a retired Principal of the NYSE and a retired Registered Representative. I oppose any regulatory requirements that would make it more difficult or even restrictive in the purchase of leveraged or inverse ETFs. Such decisions should be made by the investor and not by regulators. These funds can effectively be used by ALL investors as a method to enhance their portfolio or hedge a portfolio
I oppose Restrictions to my right to invest. It is not right for the government to decide for me what I can do with my money. I am capable of earning a wage, paying my bills, & deciding where and how I want to invest my money.
I see no reason I should be restricted from making money / profits from leveraged products as an individual investor. As an individual investor I want the ability to invest as I please without burdensome and frankly unnecessary impositions by regulators or obtaining the blessing of the provider of my brokerage account. While I could support limited net worth requirements I believe no one who
I'm investing in these index funds over 15 years. using the inverse funds to hedge my portfolio. These funds are mkt index funds; and I don't need analyses of individual stocks, to invest in them. These funds are very important part of my investment strategies, and I would like to have the opportunity to continue use them in the future. I'm a well informed investor, in these
These "complex products" allow retail investors to hedge properly. There are already warnings that pop up when trading leveraged funds. This change would cause a disadvantage to investors instead of helping. It could also push newer investors towards less regulated markets, like crypto. Additional regulation would work against retail investors.
It has come to my attention that arbitrary and broad FINRA regulations post a threat to our freedoms as individual investors.
I am writing to oppose this regulation because I believe it is a broad, vague, and limiting regulation. I desire to maintain my current freedom of investing in public securities of my choosing. Please stop all arbitrary restrictions as these are broad, harmful, and
On behalf of myself and private investors, the fact that a governing body would consider restricting investment choices to and from certain individuals is absurd and wholly un American. It is nobodys place but the investor themselves to determine what they put their money into and how they choose to invest. I, along with, I'm certain many other Americans firmly believe that it is not your
Limiting choices for active investors, especially leveraged instruments like options, futures and leveraged ETFs, is quite non American, and a sure fire way to create significant funds outflowing the markets. Allow investors and traders to make their own choices, based on their individual risk tolerance and willingness to diversify as they see fit. Contrary to common belief, leveraged instruments