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Filling of Vacancies

Sec. 4.8  If a Director position becomes vacant, whether because of death, disability, disqualification, removal, or resignation, the Nominating Committee shall nominate, and the FINRA Board shall by majority vote, cause the election of a person satisfying the qualifications for the directorship as provided in Section 4.3 to fill such vacancy, except that if the remaining term of office for the vacant Director position is not more than six months, no replacement shall be required.
Deleted by SR-FINRA-2015-034 eff. Dec. 20, 2015.
Amended by SR-FINRA-2010-007 eff. Aug. 2, 2010.
Adopted by SR-NASD-99-21 eff. July 9, 2000.

Selected Notice: 10-32.