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FINRA publishes Notices to provide firms with timely information on a variety of issues.  To obtain a Notice published prior to 1995, please contact FINRA MediaSource at (240) 386-4200.

Publication Date Title Description
Notice To Members 93-62
Requirements Governing Real-Time Trade Reporting in Over-the-Counter Equity Securities
Notice To Members 93-61
Mail Vote — NASD Solicits Member Vote on New Rule Governing the Pricing of Open Orders;
Notice To Members 93-60
Nasdaq National Market(r) Additions, Changes, And Deletions as of July 22, 1993
Notice To Members 93-59
Labor Day: Trade Date-Settlement Date Schedule
Notice To Members 93-58
NASD Member Buying Services Provides Members With Discounted Products And Services
Notice To Members 93-57
SOES Tier Levels Set to Change for 517 Issues On September 1, 1993
Notice To Members 93-56
Quotation and Trade-Reporting Requirements For Members Dealing in High-Yield Bonds
Notice To Members 93-55
SEC Amends and Clarifies Penny Stock Rules
Notice To Members 93-54
SEC Approves Quotation-Size Requirements for Market Makers in OTC Equity Securities
Notice To Members 93-53
SEC Approves Amendments Relating to Close Outs of Short Sales and Bona Fide Fully Hedged or Arbitraged Positions
Notice To Members 93-52
Mail Vote — Proposed Amendment Exempting Money Market Mutual Funds From Disclosure Requirements;
Notice To Members 93-51
Mail Vote — Proposed Amendment to the Corporate Financing Rule Relating to Fairness and Reasonableness of Anti-Dilution Provisions in Underwriters' Warrants', Options, and Convertible Securities;
Notice To Members 93-50
Mail Vote — Proposed New Section to the Rules of Fair Practice Relating to the Respective Obligations And Supervisory Responsibilities of Introducing and Clearing Firms;
Notice To Members 93-49
Solicitation of Member Comment on Board Action to Eliminate the Disclosure Safe Harbor for Customer Limit Orders;
Notice To Members 93-48
Nasdaq National Market(r) Additions, Changes, And Deletions
Notice To Members 93-47
SEC Permits Use of Optical Storage Technology for Records Retention
Notice To Members 93-46
SEC Provides Additional Clarifications and Interpretations to Net Capital Rule Amendments
Notice To Members 93-45
SEC Approves Mandatory Book-Entry Settlement of Transactions in Depository-Eligible Securities
Notice To Members 93-44
SEC Approves Increase In Non-Cash Sales Incentive Compensation
Notice To Members 93-43
SEC Approves Modified Excess Spread Parameters for Market Makers
Notice To Members 93-42
SEC Approves NASD's Minor Rule Violations Plan
Notice To Members 93-41
SEC Approves Schedule D Amendments Permitting Excused Withdrawal or Passive Market-Making Status for Distribution Participants That Are Nasdaq Market Makers
Notice To Members 93-40
Request for Comments on Proposed Amendments to the Free-Riding and Withholding Interpretation Under Article III, Section 1 of the Rules of Fair Practice
Notice To Members 93-39
Nasdaq National Market(r) Additions, Changes, And Deletions as of May 24, 1993
Notice To Members 93-38
Independence Day: Trade Date-Settlement Date Schedule
Notice To Members 93-37
NASD<sup>®</sup> Expands the Public Disclosure Program
Notice To Members 93-36
Codification of Investment Company Advertising Guidelines
Notice To Members 93-35
Mail Vote — Proposed Amendment to the Procedures for Filling Vacancies on NASD<sup>®</sup> Nominating Committees;
Notice To Members 93-34
Nasdaq National Market(r) Additions, Changes, And Deletions as of April 23, 1993
Notice To Members 93-33
The Role of the NASD's Disciplinary Committees
Notice To Members 93-32
NASD Publishes Sanction Guidelines To Familiarize Members With Major Violations And Penalties
Notice To Members 93-31
SEC Requests Comments on Proposal To Establish Three-Business-Day Settlement For Securities Transactions
Notice To Members 93-30
NASD Provides SEC-Approved Clarifications and Interpretations to Recent Net Capital Rule Amendments
Notice To Members 93-29
SEC Approves Rule 10b-6 Passive Market Making and Changes to Notification Procedures Under Schedule D of the NASD By-Laws
Notice To Members 93-28
Nasdaq National Market(r) Additions, Changes, And Deletions as of March 23, 1993
Notice To Members 93-27
Memorial Day: Trade Date-Settlement Date Schedule
Notice To Members 93-26
NASD Urges Members to Provide Complete and Accurate Blue Sheet Submissions
Notice To Members 93-25
SEC Approves New Trade-Reporting Requirements for Late-Trade Reports
Notice To Members 93-24
SEC Approves Fifth-Character Identifier In Market-Maker Symbols for Non-Primary Trading Location
Notice To Members 93-23
SEC Approves New NASD Margin Rules
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