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5 A B C D E F G H I L M N O P Q R S T V
The trading activity fee (TAF) is one of the regulatory fees FINRA assesses to recover the costs of supervising and regulating firms.

Compliance Tools
A one-stop source for connecting firms with vendors that specialize in compliance-related offerings



In response to the March 2017 Special Notice on Engagement issued as part of FINRA360, FINRA received a number of comments and suggestions regarding engagement in connection with FINRA's rulemaking process. After carefully reviewing and analyzing the comments, FINRA is taking a number of actions to address the comments and suggestions that it received.

Rulemaking Process

The FINRA Institute CRCP Scholarship Program provides small firms-those with less than 150 registered representatives-with a financial grant covering full tuition for the entire program, including room and board for the residential courses at Wharton.

Compliance Tools

The Municipal Continuing Disclosure Report displays statistics about transactions that your firm effected with customers. The report provides relevant information about the availability of official statements, annual financial filings, and event filings on the MSRB's Electronic Municipal Market Access system (EMMA) at the time the securities were sold or purchased. Specifically, the report shows counts of transactions with customers for which official statements and/or current annual financial filings were not available on EMMA at the time the transaction occurred.

CRD FAQ - Form Filing for Individuals - Disclosure



A large number of registered representatives are also Certified Financial PlannerTM (CFP®) professionals. These professionals must complete a minimum of 30 continuing education (CE) hours every two years as part of the requirements for CFP certification renewal. Through the FINRA360 process, a number of firms expressed a desire for improved opportunities with regard to continuing education credits.


The FINRA qualification and registration requirements are set forth in FINRA Rules 1210 through 1240.1 These rules, among other things: (1) require the registration of individuals as representatives or principals; (2) allow for the permissive registration of associated persons of firms; (3) establish a waiver program for individuals working for a financial services industry affiliate of a member firm; (4) require firms to designate a Principal Financial Officer and a Principal Operations Officer; and (5) set forth requirements for registered persons who are to function as princip

Compliance Tools

The Municipal Trades Below Minimum Denomination Report displays statistics about transactions your firm effected with customers where the denomination was below the minimum denomination provided to DTCC’s New Issue Information Dissemination Service (NIIDS) and/or reference data obtained from Thomson Reuters.  This report is designed to aid firms in monitoring their compliance with MSRB Rule G-15(f).  MSRB Rule G-15 (f) requires, with some exceptions, that firms should not effect a customer trans