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In response to the March 2017 Special Notice on Engagement issued as part of FINRA360, FINRA received a number of comments and suggestions regarding ways in which FINRA could help facilitate compliance among its member firms. One of FINRA's defining characteristics as a self-regulatory organization (SRO) is the ability to develop compliance tools and other resources to assist our members with fulfilling their compliance obligations.


Questions and Answers on FINRA’s Eligibility Proceedings for Firms Participating in the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (“SEC” or “Commission”) Share Class Selection Disclosure Initiative (“SCSD Initiative”).


CRCP® Program Overview

Learn more about the purpose and content of the FINRA Institute at Georgetown CRCP® program. They include building a culture of compliance and helping compliance professionals take their careers to the next level.

Compliance Tools

The Underwriter Financial Status Report is a monthly report designed to help firms evaluate the timeliness of financial disclosures made to EMMA, for issuances previously brought to market.   

The purpose of this report is to highlights issuances lacking current audited financial filings (LCF) and the lateness of these missing financial filings, based on their anticipated filing time line.

The report offers two alternate views:

To support their investor protection missions, FINRA and state securities regulators jointly collect and publicly disclose extensive registration information about financial professionals associated with broker-dealer firms (referred to herein as FINRA-registered financial professionals or RFPs). This registration information, which includes information about customer complaints, is used by regulators to license and oversee RFPs. The information publicly disclosed about RFPs is far more comprehensive than what is published for most other types of professionals.

Prospective FINRA member firms must seek approval for new FINRA membership through the submission of a New Membership Application (NMA or Form NMA) in accordance with FINRA Rule 1013 (New Member Application and Interview). Existing FINRA member firms that are contemplating a material change in ownership, control, or business operations must submit a Continuing Membership Application (CMA or Form CMA) in accordance with FINRA Rule 1017 (Application for Approval of Change in Ownership, Control, or Business Operations). Both types of applications are reviewed by FINRA’s Membership Application Program (MAP) Group.

The timely receipt of firms’ annual audited financial statements is critical to FINRA’s ability to carry out its regulatory obligations.

This webcast focuses on what firms should expect from the Anti-Money Laundering reviews conducted as part of FINRA's routine examinations. We will review how FINRA examiners will check to make sure you have appropriate AML procedures in place, and you will learn what we expect of you and what you should expect from us during the AML part of an exam.

Compliance Tools

From cybersecurity to new product review, the FINRA Peer-2-Peer Compliance Library is a one-stop source for templates, checklists and other materials provided by FINRA-registered firms as supplemental resources at FINRA events. Investment professionals can browse the library after logging in with FINRA Gateway credentials. If you have feedback on the Peer-2-Peer Compliance Library, send an email to Member Relations and Education.



In response to the March 2017 Special Noti

The following frequently asked questions (FAQs) provide guidance on FINRA Rule 2111 (Suitability). This document consolidates the questions and answers in Regulatory Notices 12-55, 12-25 and 11-25, organized by topic.

Compliance Tools

The Sales Practice Complaint Report is a quarterly report that displays trends in complaints with Sales Practice problem codes as reported to FINRA pursuant to FINRA Rule 4530. Note: prior to July 1, 2011, this report showed complaints reported pursuant to NASD Rule 3070(c) or NYSE Rule 351(d). For the purposes of the report, Sales Practice Complaints are evaluated against the number of representatives registered with the firm and the sales revenue of the firm.

1. What types of Dual Deficiencies exist? There are three deficiencies: RR/RR, RR/RA, RA/RA. A state may have different requirements for each registration combination. Contact the state regulator directly.

Compliance Tools
The TRACE Detail Data Download is designed to accompany the TRACE Quality of Markets Summary Report Card as a tool to help a firm analyze and improve its compliance-related activities associated with reporting transactions via TRACE.

Compliance Tools
To assist the financial industry in fulfilling its obligation to provide all available breakpoint discounts on sales of front end load mutual funds, the Joint NASD/Industry Task Force recommended that broker-dealers provide investors with a Written Disclosure Statement, explaining the availability of breakpoint discounts, at the time of purchase or on a periodic basis.


While Americans as a whole are feeling less financial stress, making ends meet remains a daily struggle for women, millennials, African-Americans, Hispanics and those without a high school education, according to the NFCS, one of the largest and most comprehensive financial capability studies in the United States. The study measures four key components of financial capability—making ends meet, planning ahead, managing financial products and financial knowledge and decision making.


In June 2009, FINRA issued Regulatory Notice 09-31 to remind firms of their sales practice obligations relating to leveraged and inverse exchange-traded funds (ETFs). At the same time, the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC) issued guidance to the Canadian industry that is substantially similar to our Notice. In July we released a compliance podcast concerning the Notice and some of the issues that it raised.



FINRA’s highest priority when it identifies misconduct is to seek restitution for harmed investors. However, like many other self-regulatory organizations in the securities industry, FINRA also imposes fines on its members to discourage further misconduct. Fine amounts are based on public, pre-established guidelines and the facts and circumstances of the individual case. FINRA does not target any minimum amount of fines to be collected.

Compliance Tools

In Regulatory Notice 23-17, FINRA announced its decision, effective November 30, 2023, to discontinue collecting INSITE data, pursuant to Rule 4540, at this time.  As a result, effective November 30, 2023, the Customer Debits Report was retired from the FINRA Report Center.

Compliance Tools
The Joint NASD/Industry Task Force recommended two changes to mutual fund confirmations that are intended to help investors determine whether they received all the breakpoints discounts to which they were entitled on each mutual fund transaction.

Frequently asked questions about private placements.

Frequently asked questions related to OATS reporting requirements to OTC NMS Stocks.


The following FAQ is provided to facilitate firms' compliance with FINRA Rules 5190 (Notification Requirements for Offering Participants), 6275 (Withdrawal of Quotations) and 6435 (Withdrawal of Quotations in an OTC Equity Security in Compliance with SEC Regulation M). A comprehensive overview of these rules and related guidance is set forth in Regulatory Notice 08-74 and Regulatory Notice 12-19.


In addition to the Small Firm Helpline, FINRA has implemented other programs for small firms:

Compliance Tools

The TRACE Quality of Markets Report Card for Securitized Products is a monthly status report for the reporting of transactions in Asset Backed Securities, Mortgage Backed Securities and other similar securities, collectively defined as "Securitized Products", to the Trade Reporting and Compliance Engine (TRACE). Firms are required to report trades in accordance with established FINRA rules and regulations.