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We offer guidance to firms in the form of podcasts, webinars, FAQs, reports, and more. Use the toggle below to find guidance by topic, type or date. 

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In March 2017, FINRA's Board of Governors established a new standing committee, the Regulatory Operations Oversight Committee (ROOC), to advise and assist the Board in providing oversight on FINRA's regulatory operations, and supplementing FINRA's broader self-evaluation through FINRA360. This includes providing guidance on the full breadth of FINRA's regulatory operations, including Member Supervision, Market Regulation and Enforcement, among others. The ROOC does not engage in discussions regarding individual enforcement matters.

Regulation NMS Plan to Address Extraordinary Market Volatility Plan Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is meant by a "Queue?" A Queue is an online electronic listing...

2019 Exam Findings Report

Regulatory Obligations

Regulation SHO Rules 200 to 204 require firms to address risks relating to market manipulation, market liquidity and investor confidence by regulating excessive and “naked” short sales so that purchasers of securities from short sellers receive their securities positions in a timely manner. Regulation SHO requires firms to appropriately mark their securities orders; confirm that they have deliverable securities to complete short sale transactions; and have a process to close-out fails to deliver within the required timeframes.

Compliance Tools

The Executing Firm 10 Second Compliance Report Card is a monthly status report for trades that another firm reported on behalf of the market participant. The report contains counts of properly modified late trades, late trades that were not modified, and improperly modified trades.  


FINRA Rule 3170 (Tape Recording of Registered Persons by Certain Firms)—commonly referred to as the “Taping Rule”— requires certain firms to install taping systems to record all telephone conversations between their registered persons and existing and potential customers, review those recordings and file reports with FINRA.

1. Do Rules 5110, 5121 and 2310 (the “Corporate Financing Rules”) apply to Regulation A offerings?
Yes. Rule 5110(a)(2) requires all public offerings, with limited exceptions as provided in Rule 5110(h), to be filed with FINRA. Regulation A offerings are public offerings subject to the Corporate Financing Rules. A member must comply with Rule 5121 (Public Offerings of Securities with Conflicts of Interest) when it is participating in a public offering that has a conflict of interest as defined in Rule 5121(f)(5).

Compliance Tools
Activities relating to digital assets have attracted the interest of prospective and existing FINRA member firms. Digital asset securities with their related innovative technologies raise novel, complex and challenging regulatory and compliance questions, and challenges for both prospective and existing FINRA members.

Compliance Tools
What should your firm do after it discovers that customers’ accounts have been compromised?


FINRA has made a number of changes in the area of regulatory policy to improve the policy development process and better ensure that our rules reflect current industry dynamics.

Following are FAQs about FINRA’s research conflicts of interest rules.

1. What is E-Bill and what can I do in E-Bill? E-Bill is FINRA's financial system that enables entitled users to view accounting details of the firm's Flex-Funding and Renewal accounts, fund the accounts, pay annual renewal assessments, and view and pay FINRA invoices.

2019 Exam Findings Report

Regulatory Obligations

Exchange Act Rule 15c3-1 (Net Capital Rule) requires firms to maintain net capital at specific levels to protect customers and creditors from monetary losses that can occur when firms fail.

Compliance Tools

The Contra Executing Firm 20 Minute Compliance report card is a monthly status report that provides information on transactions in which a firm failed, as the Contra Firm to accept / decline / compare trades within 20 minutes after execution, in apparent violation of FINRA Rules 7230A(b) and/or 7330(b).

Compliance Tools
The CE Regulatory Element Report is published each quarter for any firm that has had at least one representative take a Regulatory Element CE session during the quarter. The report provides information about the firm's performance as well as industry performance during the quarter for comparison.



FINRA promotes the capital-raising process through appropriately tailored rules that are designed to promote transparency and to establish important standards of conduct for the benefit of all market participants, including investors and issuers participating in offerings.


To assist firms in complying with SEC Rules regarding financial and operational matters, FINRA has published and will periodically update certain interpretations provided by the staff of the SEC's Division of Trading and Markets.

Back-to-back scheduling is a feature that allows the scheduling of two appointments for the same day and same test center in one transaction. The following are frequently asked questions related to back-to-back scheduling.

Compliance Tools

The Market Order Timeliness (MOT) Report Card is a monthly status report based upon data reported to OATS detailing the number of customer market orders executed by your firm in NMS securities that were delayed in receiving a full execution in possible violation of both rules regarding full and prompt execution of customer market orders and the Best Execution rule. If non-compliance with these rules is found to exist, your firm may be found to be in violation of FINRA Rules 5310 and 5320.

Arbitration and Mediation

On this Page


FINRA will pay arbitrators honoraria in accordance with the Codes of Procedure. The following page answers the most commonly asked questions regarding honoraria.

Market Data Frequently Asked Questions

Compliance Tools
These monthly reports cover trades of Treasuries, Securitized Products, Agency Bonds, and Corporate Debt that a member firm reported to the Trade Reporting and Compliance Engine (TRACE).



An important part of FINRA's work involves providing investors the information and tools they require to make informed decisions about their assets and avoid dealings with bad actors. Several respondents to the Special Notice on Engagement issued in March 2017 provided a range of recommendations related to FINRA's efforts in the area of investor education—including the types of investor education content we develop and our dissemination strategies.

1. For purposes of the SEC Large Trader Reporting Rule (SEA Rule 13h-1), what is the format of the LTID and the optional suffix? 2. For purposes of the SEC Large Trader Reporting Rule (SEA Rule 13h-1), how should Unidentified Large Traders be designated? ...


A motion to dismiss is a request made by a party to the arbitrator(s) to remove some or all claims raised by another party filing a claim. Rule 12504 of the Code of Arbitration Procedure for Customer Disputes and Rule 13504 of the Code of Arbitration Procedure for Industry Disputes (collectively, the Codes) establish procedures that govern motions to dismiss.