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We offer guidance to firms in the form of podcasts, webinars, FAQs, reports, and more. Use the toggle below to find guidance by topic, type or date. 

5 A B C D E F G H I L M N O P Q R S T V
Compliance Tools
The Joint NASD/Industry Task Force recommended two changes to mutual fund confirmations that are intended to help investors determine whether they received all the breakpoints discounts to which they were entitled on each mutual fund transaction.


While Americans as a whole are feeling less financial stress, making ends meet remains a daily struggle for women, millennials, African-Americans, Hispanics and those without a high school education, according to the NFCS, one of the largest and most comprehensive financial capability studies in the United States. The study measures four key components of financial capability—making ends meet, planning ahead, managing financial products and financial knowledge and decision making.


In June 2009, FINRA issued Regulatory Notice 09-31 to remind firms of their sales practice obligations relating to leveraged and inverse exchange-traded funds (ETFs). At the same time, the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC) issued guidance to the Canadian industry that is substantially similar to our Notice. In July we released a compliance podcast concerning the Notice and some of the issues that it raised.



FINRA’s highest priority when it identifies misconduct is to seek restitution for harmed investors. However, like many other self-regulatory organizations in the securities industry, FINRA also imposes fines on its members to discourage further misconduct. Fine amounts are based on public, pre-established guidelines and the facts and circumstances of the individual case. FINRA does not target any minimum amount of fines to be collected.

Compliance Tools

The TRACE Quality of Markets Report Card for Securitized Products is a monthly status report for the reporting of transactions in Asset Backed Securities, Mortgage Backed Securities and other similar securities, collectively defined as "Securitized Products", to the Trade Reporting and Compliance Engine (TRACE). Firms are required to report trades in accordance with established FINRA rules and regulations.

Technical Documentation
Tips, system visual aids, user manuals, and other tools that should aid smaller member firms in the usage of Web CRD System-related registration activities

Frequently asked questions about private placements.

Frequently asked questions related to OATS reporting requirements to OTC NMS Stocks.


The following FAQ is provided to facilitate firms' compliance with FINRA Rules 5190 (Notification Requirements for Offering Participants), 6275 (Withdrawal of Quotations) and 6435 (Withdrawal of Quotations in an OTC Equity Security in Compliance with SEC Regulation M). A comprehensive overview of these rules and related guidance is set forth in Regulatory Notice 08-74 and Regulatory Notice 12-19.


In addition to the Small Firm Helpline, FINRA has implemented other programs for small firms:

Compliance Tools

The Cross-Market Equities Supervision Manipulation Report is a tool designed to provide firms feedback on exceptions that were generated based on the firm’s order entry and trading activity in a given surveillance period. The report covers two distinct analyses; layering and Cross-Market Quote Spoofing. This report is produced on a monthly basis.

Compliance Tools

This report provides a summary of the review activity for the filings submitted during the selected and previous reporting periods.

If you have questions regarding the content of this report, please contact FINRA Corporate Financing at (240) 386-4623.

Deals Filed During the Selected Period



FINRA Review Program

A list of frequently asked questions related to UPC.

Following are "Frequently Asked Questions" regarding the Order Audit Trail System (OATS).

The following frequently asked questions provide information about the Central Registration Depository (CRD).

Compliance Tools

The 4530 Disclosure Timeliness Report Card is produced on a monthly basis to show a firm's performance in timely reporting of disclosure events as required by FINRA Rule 4530(a) and (b). The information in this report comes primarily from the Rule 4530 Application; to read more about the system, please see Disclosure Events and Customer Complaint Filings.



Until mid-2017, FINRA maintained two distinct enforcement teams within the organization—one handling disciplinary actions related to trading-based matters found through our market surveillance and trading examination programs, and the other handling cases referred from other regulatory oversight divisions within FINRA, such as sales practice examinations and our Office of Fraud Detection and Market Intelligence. Through FINRA360, we analyzed stated firm concerns that these dual programs sometimes resulted in duplication of effort and inconsistency of results.

Following are "Frequently Asked Questions" regarding the Order Audit Trail System (OATS).

1. What is the Form BR? Form BR is the Uniform Branch Office Registration form that enables firms to "register" or "notice file" branch offices electronically through Web CRD® with FINRA, the New York Stock Exchange, Inc. (NYSE) and other participating jurisdictions.

Compliance Tools

The Firm Summary Scorecard provides an overview of certain performance and comparison statistics from each of the active individual report cards in one specific location. The Scorecard supplies data available in the respective report cards for the current month and the preceding month.

Report Glossary

The table below provides a reference description for all of the elements found in the Firm Summary Scorecard. (See Firm Summary Scorecard for a sample segment of the report.)


Compliance Tools



Unequal Long and Short Positions

1. Does Rule 5110 apply to public offerings that also are regulated under Rule 2310?
Yes. Rule 2310 regulates the underwriting terms and arrangements of direct participation programs and unlisted real estate investment trusts (collectively, “Investment Programs”) that are publicly offered. All public offerings in which a member participates, with limited exceptions provided in Rule 5110(h), must be filed, including Investment Programs.