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5 A B C D E F G H I L M N O P Q R S T V
Interpretive Letter
Joint NASD and NYSE interpretation that individuals involved in the development of certain quantitative equity research ratings model are not “research analysts” as defined by the SRO research analyst conflict of interest rules.
August 20, 2004
Interpretive Letter

NASD staff declines to extend tolling period to meet qualification requirements related to implementation of Title II of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999.

August 05, 2004
Report / Study

Variable annuity and variable life insurance products (collectively, “variable insurance products" or “variable products”) are being marketed and sold to a large number of investors. While variable insurance products may be appropriate investments for some investors, concerns have been raised about the sale of these products. This prompted the staffs of the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC” or “Commission”) and NASD (“Staff”) to conduct examinations of broker-dealers that sell variable insurance products. This report summarizes the findings of those examinations. 

June 09, 2004
Exemptive Letter
Exemption from lock-up provisions in Rule 2710(g) for shares to be issued upon the split of common stock that takes place within 180 days of the required filing of the offering with NASD when the pre-split shares were acquired prior to the 180 day timeframe.
June 04, 2004
Interpretive Letter

Based on certain representations and compliance with the requirements of SEC Rule 17a-4(i), third party may provide recordkeeping services to its NASD member clients, such that the member clients would not be required to individually download and separately retain copies of documents required pursuant to Rule 2790(b).

June 01, 2004

In an effort to assist member firms' compliance efforts, NASD is issuing this regular communication, "Improving Examination Results." This document has two sections: "Examination Priorities" and "Frequently Found Violations," both of which relate to the Department of Member Regulation's routine examinations of firms. While each firm must establish its own compliance programs and supervisory procedures, we felt it may be helpful to share our overall priorities.

April 01, 2004

April 2004

April 01, 2004
Interpretive Letter

Use of third parties to aid in compliance with NASD Rule 2790(b).

February 17, 2004
Interpretive Letter
Application of NASD Rule 2330(f) to Proposed Profit Sharing Arrangement.
February 04, 2004
Report / Study

As part of its efforts to combat abusive market timing in mutual funds, the SEC intends to propose a mandatory redemption fee on short-term trades. On November 17, 2003, the SEC requested that NASD convene a working group of industry experts to consider how this initiative may be affected by the use of mutual fund omnibus accounts. This memorandum summarizes the views expressed by members of the Omnibus Account Task Force (Task Force) established by NASD.

January 30, 2004
Request for Exemption from the Provisions of NASD Conduct Rule 2710
January 15, 2004
Interpretive Letter
Guidance regarding use of related performance information in sales material for private equity funds.
December 30, 2003
Interpretive Letter

Rule 2740 would not prohibit an underwriter in a fixed price offering from paying to another broker/dealer that is unable to participate in the underwriting syndicate an advisory fee or a referral fee to the extent that such payment does not directly or indirectly discount the fixed offering price for any purchaser in the offering.

November 24, 2003
Exemptive Letter
This request for exemptive relief is granted based on the contributions made being small in amount, in support of personal relationships, the Firm’s representation that the contributor will be restricted in his municipal securities activities and municipal securities compensation, the individual will be subject to a period of heightened supervision, and the return or reasonable attempt at the return of the contributions.
November 11, 2003
Interpretive Letter
Application of Rule 2370 to lending arrangements between registered persons and banks or other financial institutions in the business of lending money.
November 07, 2003
Interpretive Letter

Further interpretive advice to members concerning the sale of hedge funds.

October 02, 2003
Interpretive Letter

Secondary market trading in Fidelity Nasdaq Composite Index Tracking Stock would be consistent with the requirements of NASD Rules 2110, 2420, 2830(c), (g), and (i), and Interpretive Material 2830-2.

September 29, 2003
Two important regulatory developments relate to obtaining customer information: the Anti-Money Laundering Customer Identification Rule and the SEC's Books and Records Customer Account Records Rule. These rules require that important customer identification be obtained. However, these rules have critical differences including their purposes, their definitions, and their timing requirements. We created this document to assist our member firms. It contains brief summaries of the rules' relevant provisions.
September 01, 2003
At the request of the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"), NASD convened and led a Joint NASD/Industry Breakpoint Task Force, with representatives from, among others, Investment Company Institute ("ICI"), Securities Industry Association ("SIA"), National Security Clearing Corporation ("NSCC"), broker/dealers, mutual funds, and transfer agents, to examine the difficulties that the financial industry experienced delivering breakpoint discounts on Class A mutual fund share sales and to develop recommendations to facilitate the complete and accurate delivery of breakpoint discounts in the future.
July 22, 2003
Report / Study

In a letter to NASD Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Robert R. Glauber, dated January 15, 2003, former Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) Chairman Harvey L. Pitt requested that NASD, joined by the Securities Industry Association (“SIA”) and the Investment Company Institute (“ICI”), convene a task force to recommend industry-wide changes to address errors and missed opportunities to provide discounts in the calculation of sales loads charged on the purchase of mutual fund shares that carry a front-end sales load.

July 12, 2003
Interpretive Letter

For purposes of reporting to TRACE only, a member may enter only bona fide commissions in the "commission" field and may charge a commission only in specified transactions.

July 11, 2003
Interpretive Letter

Member that serves as investment consultant and sub-administrator for certain mutual funds, but does not serve as either the principal underwriter or an investment adviser or sub-adviser to the funds, may state in its public communications that it does not offer proprietary products.

May 29, 2003
Report / Study

Fairness, integrity and efficiency make the U.S. capital markets the most successful in the world. In the past decade, more than 5,600 domestic and foreign enterprises raised an aggregate of over $500 billion through IPOs in U.S. markets. These IPOs served as an engine for corporate growth and active participation by all sectors of the investment community, from venture capitalists to large institutions and individual investors.

May 29, 2003
The Global Settlement followed joint investigations by the regulators into alleged conflicts of interest between investment banking and securities research at brokerage firms.
May 21, 2003
Interpretive Letter

Transactions in certain medium term notes, purchased and re-sold to retail customers during the offering period, should not be reported to TRACE as set forth in Rule 6230(e)(1) because the transactions are part of a primary distribution.

May 19, 2003