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5 A B C D E F G H I L M N O P Q R S T V
Exemptive Letter

The staff granted an exemption from NASD Rule 2790 in connection with new issue offering where all decisions regarding the allocation of shares in the offering are determined at the sole discretion of the issuer.

February 03, 2006
Interpretive Letter
NASD reaffirms its policy of exempting members from the requirement to supervise registered bank personnel under Rules 3010, 3030, 3040 and 3050, so long as such persons continue to be supervised by the bank and do not engage in any securities activity for or on behalf of the member firm of which they are registered.
December 12, 2005
Exemptive Letter

The staff granted an exemption from NASD Rule 2790 in connection with new issue offering where all decisions regarding the allocation of shares in the offering are determined at the sole discretion of the issuer, and the involvement of a member in the offering is mandated under state law and limited solely to ministerial functions.

October 18, 2005
Noel M. Gruber, Esq.
Kennedy & Baris, L.L.P.
Suite P-15
4701 Sangamore Road
Bethesda, MD 20816

Re:  Request for Exemption from Rule 2790

Dear Mr. Gruber:

October 18, 2005
Exemptive Letter
This request for exemptive relief is granted based on the representations that the Contributions were made prior to the individual's employment with the Firm, and the individual has never been involved in municipal securities business as defined by MSRB Rule G-37. Additionally, the Firm has agreed to institute information barriers and compensation restrictions, and the contributions have been returned.
October 11, 2005
Exemptive Letter
This request for exemptive relief is granted based on the Firm's representation that the Contributions were made prior to the individual being employed by the Firm, and that the individual has never engaged in municipal securities business, as defined by MSRB Rule G-37, the return of the Contributions, and the extensive information barriers and compensation restrictions.
October 11, 2005
Exemptive Letter
This request for exemptive relief is granted based on the Firm's representation that the Contributions were made prior to the individual's employment with the Firm, and that the individual was never engaged in municipal securities business, as defined by MSRB Rule G-37 ("Rule"), and the individual has never solicited municipal securities business from the City or City agencies of whom the Contribution recipients are issuer officials. The Firm agreed to institute certain information barriers, the individual will, for a period of time, be prohibited from soliciting municipal securities business as defined by the Rule, and the individual may not receive any compensation derived directly or indirectly from municipal securities business from City or certain City agencies for a period of time.
September 22, 2005
Exemptive Letter
This request for exemptive relief is granted based on the Firm's representation that the contributor has never solicited municipal securities business, as defined by MSRB Rule G-37, from the State or entities or agencies connected with the State of whom the contribution recipient is considered to be an issuer official, the Contribution was returned, and representations that the Firm has imposed certain limitations on the individual's municipal business solicitation, and receipt of compensation from the Firm's municipal securities business with the State or State agencies.
September 20, 2005


Structured Products



Internal Audit
Legal and Compliance
Senior Management
Structured Products
Structured Securities

Executive Summary

September 12, 2005

September 2005

In a continuing effort to assist member firms' compliance efforts, NASD is issuing this regular communication, "Improving Examination Results." This document has two sections: "Examination Priorities" and "Frequently Found Violations," both of which relate to the Department of Member Regulation's routine examinations of firms. While each firm must establish its own compliance programs and supervisory procedures, we felt it may be helpful to share our overall priorities.

September 01, 2005
Exemptive Letter
An exemption is granted based on the following: First, the Firm took prompt remedial action by placing Name in an "inactive status" and directing him to not engage in any work for the Firm. Second, you have represented that Name, prior to being hired by the Firm, was not engaged in the solicitation of municipal securities business, as defined in the Rule, and during his Firm employment as an MFP Name did not engage in municipal securities representative activities and did not solicit municipal business. Third, you have represented that the Firm has a long relationship as an underwriter of municipal securities for County #1 and County #2, and the State and neither the hiring of Name nor his Contributions were necessary to obtain municipal securities business from such issuers. Fourth, the Firm has agreed to undertake an education initiative, as described below, for all employees of the Firm's Municipal Securities Group.
May 25, 2005
Report / Study

NASD formed the Mutual Fund Task Force (“Task Force”) to consider issues relating to soft dollars, mutual fund portfolio transaction costs and distribution arrangements. The Task Force was established after discussions between the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) and NASD staffs, to provide guidance to the SEC as it considers these issues.

March 29, 2005
Interpretive Letter
NASD Rule 2510 - Discretionary Accounts - Application of NASD Rules 3110, 2510, 2310, and IM 2310-2 to a default IRA account established by plan sponsor in accordance with Department of Labor safe harbor provisions.
March 16, 2005


Sanction Guidelines

Effective Date: March 15, 2005

March 01, 2005
Interpretive Letter
Member ceasing to offer retail brokerage services may use negative response letters to accomplish the bulk transfer of its retail brokerage accounts to an affiliated broker-dealer.
February 03, 2005
Interpretive Letter
NASD Rule 2510 - Discretionary Accounts - A member may use the negative response process under Rule 2510(d)(2)(A) to effectuate the transfer to another money market fund of customer free credit balances that have been returned to the member by a fund that has been terminated.
January 26, 2005
Exemptive Letter

The staff granted an exemption from NASD Rule 2790 in connection with new issue offering of a registered securities exchange for certain allocations as part of its issuer-directed share program.

December 3, 2004

Dana G. Fleischman, Esq.
Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton
One Liberty Plaza
New York, NY 10006-1470

Re:  Request for Exemption from Rule 2790

Dear Ms. Fleischman:

December 03, 2004
Interpretive Letter

NASD Rule 2210 - Communications with the Public

The posting to a Web site of performance information as required by California state law does not constitute an advertisement under NASD Rule 2210.
November 29, 2004
Report / Study

NASD formed the Mutual Fund Task Force (“Task Force”) in May 2004 to consider ways to improve the transparency of mutual fund portfolio transaction costs and distribution arrangements. The Task Force was established after discussions between the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) and NASD staffs, to provide guidance to the SEC as it considers the issues raised in a concept release concerning mutual fund portfolio transaction costs and a rule proposal relating to mutual fund distribution arrangements.

November 11, 2004
Interpretive Letter

NASD Rule 2110 - Standards of Commercial Honor and Principles of Trade

Member whose firm will cease to exist upon merger with an acquiring member that does not generally offer retail brokerage services may use negative response letters to accomplish the bulk transfer of its retail accounts to a broker-dealer affiliate of the acquiring member.
November 10, 2004
Interpretive Letter
The use of negative response letters to change the broker-dealer of record on a mutual fund or variable insurance product account held directly at the issuer.
November 08, 2004
Exemptive Letter
An exemption is granted based on the following considerations. First, you have represented that Name, prior to being hired by the Firm, was not engaged in the solicitation of municipal securities business, as defined in the Rule. Second, you have represented that the Firm has a long relationship as an underwriter of municipal securities for the State and State agencies, and neither the hiring of Name nor his Contribution was necessary to obtain municipal securities business from such issuers. Third, the Firm has agreed to institute preventive information barriers to help avoid the potential for conflicting interests to exist and be used, or appear to be used, by the Firm or Name to obtain municipal securities business or compensation or other financial benefits related to such business.
October 27, 2004
Interpretive Letter
Negative response letters may be used to change the broker-dealer of record for customers' "direct application" mutual fund and variable annuity accounts in situations involving the acquisition or merger of a member firm, where the acquiring or surviving entity is the legal successor-in-interest to the member firm.
October 20, 2004
Report / Study

In March 2004, NASD convened a panel of industry experts and investor advocates to assess the challenges facing the corporate debt market and make recommendations for possible improvements. The objective of the Corporate Debt Market Panel was to review and make recommendations to the NASD Board of Governors regarding how to best ensure market integrity and investor protection in the corporate bond market.

September 30, 2004
Interpretive Letter
Member may not present related performance information to "qualified institutional buyers" who are potential investors in 3(c)(1) funds.
September 14, 2004
Exemptive Letter
This request for exemptive relief is granted based on the Firms’ representation that the Contribution was made by an employee who does not and has never engaged in the solicitation of municipal securities business, the imposition of certain “information restrictions” and other Firm-wide compliance measures, a Firm- imposed “censure” and compensation restrictions, and the return of the Contribution.
August 23, 2004