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5 A B C D E F G H I L M N O P Q R S T V
Regulatory Notice

Notice Type


September 06, 2007
Interpretive Letter
NASD Rule 2210 - Communications with the Public
September 06, 2007
SEC Approves Amendments Regarding OATS Routing Method Code for Intermarket Sweep Orders
August 30, 2007

Extension of Regulatory Relief

Regulatory Notice

Notice Type


August 10, 2007
As previously announced in the March 21, 2007 OATS Reporting Technical Specifications, a new Routing Method Code of “I” (Intermarket Sweep Order) became available on June 11, 2007. As of February 4, 2008, the Routing Method Code of “I” will be required in the OATS Route and/or Combined Order/Route Reports for all OATS reportable orders routed to another market center that are identified to the receiving market center as an ISO.
July 12, 2007
Exemptive Letter
Exemptive relief is granted based on: the representations that the contributions were made prior to employment; the individual did not engage in the solicitation of, or have involvement in, municipal securities business (as defined) for the prior six years; the firm had no knowledge of the contributions at the time they were made; the firm has established detailed and comprehensive compliance procedures and has developed information barriers surrounding the solicitation of certain municipal securities business.
June 29, 2007

June 13, 2007

On July 9, 2007, the Regulation NMS Pilot Stock Phase is scheduled to begin. In this regard, as described in NASD Notice to Member (NTM) 07-23, NASD has adopted new transaction reporting modifiers that member firms are required to use when reporting to NASD facilities (each of NASD's Trade Reporting Facilities (TRFs) and the Alternative Display Facility (ADF)), whether a transaction qualifies for an exception or an exemption to SEC Rule 611.

June 13, 2007
NASD issues this annual publication to assist member firms in their compliance efforts.
May 01, 2007
Exemptive Letter

Staff grants exemption from the Short Sale Rule for certain transactions executed through a member's passively-priced trading system.

April 03, 2007
The rules governing each NASD Trade Reporting Facility ("TRF") provide that a member may agree to allow a TRF Participant to report and lock-in trades on its behalf, only if both parties have completed an agreement to that effect (a "give up agreement") in the form specified by NASD.
January 25, 2007
Report / Study

As a result of a recent review of gift and gratuity practices of over 40 member firms, NASD staff is concerned that members may not be fulfilling their obligations to comply with, and establish adequate supervisory systems and procedures reasonably designed to achieve compliance with, NASD’s rule governing gifts and gratuities – Conduct Rule 3060 (the “gift rule”).

December 04, 2006
Interpretive Letter

NASD Rule 3010 - Supervision

November 30, 2006
Exemptive Letter

The staff granted an exemption from NASD Rule 2790 with respect to purchases of “new issues” by the National Railroad Retirement Investment Trust.

November 09, 2006
Exemptive Letter
Exemptive relief is granted based on: the representation that the individual did not engage in the solicitation of municipal securities business; for the six years prior to being hired by the Firm; the Contributions were made prior to the individual being employed by the Firm; imposition by the Firm of extensive Firm-wide information barriers on certain municipal securities business communications; prohibition of, for a specified period of time, the individual's solicitation of new municipal securities business; and the commitment to a quarterly certification of compliance.
October 16, 2006
Interpretive Letter

NASD Rule 2460 - Payments for Market Making

Services rendered in acting as a Designated Advisor for Disclosure (DAD) for Pink Sheets’ new OTCQX listing may fall within the exception of Rule 2460(b), which permits a member to accept payment for bona fide services; however, this conclusion will depend upon the specific payments made and services that ultimately are rendered.
October 06, 2006
NASD Rule 2830 - Investment Company SecuritiesOffices of sub-adviser holding training and education meeting is permissible location under Rule 2830(l).
September 28, 2006
Exemptive Letter
Exemptive relief is granted based on: the representation that the individual did not solicit municipal securities business; the contribution being made prior to his employment at the Firm; the Firm's imposition of Firm-wide information barriers on certain municipal securities business communications: for a specified period, prohibition of the solicitation of new municipal securities business by the individual; and the commitment to a quarterly certification of compliance.
August 30, 2006
Interpretive Letter
A Member's Responsibilities Regarding the Outsourcing of Certain Activities
August 15, 2006
Interpretive Letter
NASD Rule 2211 - Institutional Sales Material and CorrespondenceFree writing prospectuses are not subject to Rules 2210 and 2211 or the filing requirements of Rules 2710 and 2720
August 01, 2006
Interpretive Letter
NASD Rule 2110 - Standards of Commercial Honor and Principles of TradeMember ceasing to offer retail brokerage accounts with investment advisory and prime brokerage services may use negative response letters to accomplish the bulk transfer of its retail brokerage accounts to a newly formed broker-dealer.
June 02, 2006
Exemptive Letter
Exemptive relief is denied based on: the Firm’s repeated failure to detect Officer A’s contributions in excess of $250; the Firm had actual knowledge of all three of Officer A’s contributions and that the Firm violated the municipal securities ban on two separate ocassions; and the firm failed to discover its own rule violations prior to NASD’s intervention.
May 17, 2006
Report / Study
In response to numerous customer complaints and industry frustration about delays in the transfer of securities accounts from one brokerage firm to another, NASD established the Customer Account Transfer Task Force (Task Force) to consider ways to improve the process of inter-firm customer account transfers. This Report presents the results of the Task Force's deliberations.
May 14, 2006

May 2006

In a continuing effort to assist member firms' compliance efforts, NASD is issuing this regular communication, "Improving Examination Results." This document has two sections: "Examination Priorities" and "Frequently Found Violations," both of which relate to NASD's routine examinations of firms. While each firm must establish its own compliance programs and supervisory procedures, members have commented that it is very helpful to them when we share our overall priorities.

May 01, 2006
Exemptive Letter
This request for exemptive relief is granted based on the Firm's representation that the individual did not engage in the solicitation of municipal securities business, as defined by MSRB Rule G-37, the imposition by the Firm of extensive Firm-wide information barriers on certain municipal securities business communications, prohibition of, for a specified period of time, the individual's solicitation of new municipal securities business, a Firm commitment to conduct training or re-training for all Firm MFPs and new hire MFPs, including an on-going annual educational effort, a review of existing Firm procedures and the development of necessary enhancements.
February 23, 2006