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5 A B C D E F G H I L M N O P Q R S T V
FINRA Issues Guidance to Broker-Dealers on Partial Redemptions of Auction Rate Securities
April 30, 2008
Reporting of Customer Complaints Relating to Auction Rate Securities; Effective Date: April 1, 2008
April 08, 2008
Sound Practices for Preventing and Detecting Unauthorized Proprietary Trading
April 08, 2008
FINRA Consolidates the Collection of Short Interest Data; Effective Date: May 15, 2008
March 27, 2008
FINRA Revises Portfolio Margining Risk Disclosure Statement and Written Acknowledgment for Customers Using Portfolio Margin Accounts
March 14, 2008

January 2008

FINRA is conducting a review of the policies, procedures and controls with respect to information barriers. To facilitate this review, FINRA requests a copy of the following information and/or documentation:  

January 01, 2008
Interpretive Letter
NASD Rule 2420 - Dealing with Non-Members
December 28, 2007
Interpretive Letter
NASD Rules 6950-6957 (OATS)
December 19, 2007

NASD Rule 3060 - Influencing or Rewarding Employees of Others

December 17, 2007

Financial Reporting Relief

December 11, 2007
In June 2007, FINRA (then NASD and NYSE Member Regulation)1 issued for comment proposed guidance regarding the review and supervision of electronic communications. FINRA received 16 comment letters, with a majority of commenters supporting the guidance.
December 07, 2007

Continuing Education

Regulatory Notice

Notice Type

November 19, 2007

Personnel Background Investigations

Regulatory Notice

Notice Type

November 14, 2007

Regulatory Relief

PLEASE NOTE: The FINRA rulebook currently consists of both NASD Rules and certain NYSE Rules that FINRA has incorporated, including the NYSE rules referenced in this Notice. The incorporated NYSE Rules apply solely to members of FINRA that are also members of NYSE on or after July 30, 2007, referred to as "Dual Members." Dual Members also must comply with NASD Rules. Until the adoption of a consolidated rulebook, FINRA's Regulatory Notices will address both NASD and the incorporated NYSE Rules.

October 25, 2007
Interpretive Letter
NASD Rule 2210 - Communications with the Public
September 28, 2007
SEC Approves New Interpretive Material That Authorizes FINRA to Establish a Temporary Program to Allow Firms to Voluntarily Remit Accumulated Funds; Reminder Concerning Proper Disclosure of the Section 3 Fee
September 12, 2007
FINRA Reminds Firms of Their Obligations Relating to Senior Investors and Highlights Industry Practices to Serve these Customers
September 10, 2007
Report / Study

With the aging of the baby boom generation, a growing number of our nation’s investors are at or near retirement age. Indeed, data presented at the first “Seniors Summit” held by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in July 2006 indicated that 75% of the nation’s consumer financial assets, valued at $16 trillion, are held by households headed by someone who is 50 or older. Within the next 20 years, 75 million people will have celebrated their 60th birthday.

September 10, 2007
Interpretive Letter
NASD Rule 2210 - Communications with the Public
September 06, 2007
Regulatory Notice

Notice Type


September 06, 2007
SEC Approves Amendments Regarding OATS Routing Method Code for Intermarket Sweep Orders
August 30, 2007

Extension of Regulatory Relief

Regulatory Notice

Notice Type


August 10, 2007
As previously announced in the March 21, 2007 OATS Reporting Technical Specifications, a new Routing Method Code of “I” (Intermarket Sweep Order) became available on June 11, 2007. As of February 4, 2008, the Routing Method Code of “I” will be required in the OATS Route and/or Combined Order/Route Reports for all OATS reportable orders routed to another market center that are identified to the receiving market center as an ISO.
July 12, 2007
Exemptive Letter
Exemptive relief is granted based on: the representations that the contributions were made prior to employment; the individual did not engage in the solicitation of, or have involvement in, municipal securities business (as defined) for the prior six years; the firm had no knowledge of the contributions at the time they were made; the firm has established detailed and comprehensive compliance procedures and has developed information barriers surrounding the solicitation of certain municipal securities business.
June 29, 2007

June 13, 2007

On July 9, 2007, the Regulation NMS Pilot Stock Phase is scheduled to begin. In this regard, as described in NASD Notice to Member (NTM) 07-23, NASD has adopted new transaction reporting modifiers that member firms are required to use when reporting to NASD facilities (each of NASD's Trade Reporting Facilities (TRFs) and the Alternative Display Facility (ADF)), whether a transaction qualifies for an exception or an exemption to SEC Rule 611.

June 13, 2007