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We offer guidance to firms in the form of podcasts, webinars, FAQs, reports, and more. Use the toggle below to find guidance by topic, type or date. 

5 A B C D E F G H I L M N O P Q R S T V
New Implementation Date for and Additional Guidance on the Consolidated FINRA Rules Governing Know-Your-Customer and Suitability Obligations
May 18, 2011
Securities Industry/Regulatory Council on Continuing Education Issues Firm Element Advisory Update
April 15, 2011
Treatment of Non-Margin Eligible Equity Securities
April 07, 2011
FINRA Revises Sanction Guidelines
March 22, 2011
FINRA Reminds Firms of Their Obligations Under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
March 18, 2011
FINRA Revises the Sanction Guidelines
February 09, 2011
Exemptive Letter
The staff granted an exemption from FINRA Rule 5130 with respect to purchases of “new issues” by the Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan Trust Fund.
December 07, 2010
SEC Approves Amendments to the Trading Activity Fee and FINRA Announces Publication of Frequently Asked Questions
October 29, 2010
Margin Requirements for Exempted Securities Mutual Funds and Exempted Securities ETFs
October 26, 2010
Application of Rules on Communications With the Public and Institutional Sales Material and Correspondence to Certain Free Writing Prospectuses
October 21, 2010
Sales Practice Obligations for Commodity Futures-Linked Securities
October 20, 2010
Securities Industry/Regulatory Council on Continuing Education Issues Firm Element Advisory Update
October 15, 2010
Supplemental FOCUS Filing Requirement Applicable to Certain Joint Broker-Dealers/Futures Commission Merchants
October 04, 2010
FINRA is reviewing activities of member firms acting as or working with placement agents in soliciting and/or obtaining business with municipalities and public pension funds.
October 01, 2010
New Alert-Reporting Criterion for Leverage in FOCUS Reports
September 22, 2010
FINRA Reminds Firms of Their Sales Practice and Due Diligence Obligations When Selling Municipal Securities in the Secondary Market
September 20, 2010
Obligation to Provide Timely, Complete and Accurate Information on Form U5
September 08, 2010
Exemptive Letter
Exemptive relief is granted based on: the representation that at the time of the contribution the individual was not an MFP (as defined); the firm already has a significant business relationship with the government entity of which the contribution recipient was considered to be an issuer official; the firm has instituted information barriers on certain municipal business communications; the individual will be prohibited from the solicitation of certain new municipal business for a period of time.
September 07, 2010
Targeted Examination Letter
FINRA's Enforcement Department is conducting a review of broker/dealers that provide Direct Market Access, Naked Access, Electronic Access or Sponsored Access ("DMA") to their customers.
August 01, 2010
Interpretive Letter

NASD Rule 1020 Series - Registration of Principals

July 29, 2010
Change to Expedited Proceedings for Failure to Comply with an Arbitration Award or Related Settlement
June 18, 2010
Exemptive Letter
Exemptive relief is granted based on: the representation that at the time of the contribution the individual had no connection to the firm’s municipal securities business, and it was not contemplated that, at the time of the contribution, he would be promoted and, thus, become a municipal finance professional (as defined); the firm has significant and long standing business relationships with the government entity of which the contribution recipient was an issuer official; the firm has established additional compliance processes about political contributions; the individual will not be involved in any way in municipal securities business with the state or any other governmental issuer business for which the contribution recipient is an issuer official.
June 10, 2010
New System for Processing Regulation T and SEA Rule 15c3-3 Extension of Time Requests
June 09, 2010
Interpretive Letter

NASD Rule 11190 - Reconfirmation and Pricing Service Participants

June 09, 2010
Changes to Customer Complaint Reporting Procedures Under NASD Rule 3070(c) and NYSE Rule 351(d)
June 09, 2010