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5 A B C D E F G H I L M N O P Q R S T V
A Few Minutes With FINRA
Mike Rufino, Executive Vice President and Head of FINRA Member Regulation—Sales Practice, talks about FINRA’s High-Risk Registered Representative Program. The discussion includes an overview of the program, the criteria FINRA uses to identify high-risk activity, and tools and resources that are available to help firms perform their own reviews. (8 min. 45 sec.)
January 10, 2018

Do you have student loan debt? If you do, you’re not alone. Almost 70 percent of students graduate with student debt—and many entering the job market in debt are unprepared to manage their own finances. That was the case for Gerri Walsh. Gerri now leads FINRA’s investor education efforts and is here today to help make us all smarter investors.

December 21, 2017

Representations under Rules 5130 and 5131 may be obtained electronically through a mobile application, provided that the method for obtaining representations complies with SEC and FINRA guidance regarding the use of electronic communications, and the representations satisfy the requirements set forth in Rules 5130 and 5131.

December 11, 2017

Lawrence Cohen
Of Counsel
Gordon Rees Scully Mansukhani, LLP
111 W. Monroe Street, Suite 1600
Phoenix, AZ 85003

December 11, 2017

1. What is the preferred order for completing the program?

It is recommended to complete Week I before taking Week II because the second week’s curriculum builds on the first week, but there is no requirement to take the program in this order.

2. Does the program need to be completed within a specified timeframe?

December 06, 2017
Missing content block.

FINRA observed some instances in which firms have had difficulty meeting various aspects of their obligations under Regulation SHO and relevant FINRA rules:

December 01, 2017
Missing content block.

Best execution is a significant investor protection requirement that essentially obligates a broker-dealer to exercise reasonable care to execute a customer's order in a wa

December 01, 2017
How can FINRA become a better, more effective regulator? That’s the question Robert Cook is looking to answer by soliciting feedback from financial firms, investors and other stakeholders. FINRA360 is the program through which he is turning the answer to the question into realty.
November 28, 2017
FINRA Provides Guidance to Firms Regarding Anti- Money Laundering Program Requirements Under FINRA Rule 3310 Following Adoption of FinCEN’s Final Rule to Enhance Customer Due Diligence Requirements for Financial Institutions
November 21, 2017
Targeted Examination Letter

November 2017

The Trading & Financial Compliance Examinations (TFCE) section of the Market Regulation Department (Market Regulation) at the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. (FINRA) is conducting a review of [FIRM] concerning the impact the receipt of order routing inducements, such as payment for order flow and maker-taker rebates, has on the Firm’s [equities and options] order routing practices and decisions. As part of this review, TFCE requests that the Firm provide complete and detailed responses to the following:

November 10, 2017
FINRA has an obligation to think through the impact of its rules. What is the problem we are trying to solve? How does this rule or solution solve that problem? Is it the best solution to the problem? Our Chief Economist Jonathan Sokobin asks those tough questions and more.
November 06, 2017
Find Advertising Regulation guidance on what and when to file that is related to new member firms and existing member firms.
September 01, 2017
Compliance Tools
Small Firm Resources for OATS
August 31, 2017
Board of Governors Meeting
FINRA President and CEO Robert Cook and Chairman of the Board Jack Brennan review rulemaking and other matters discussed at FINRA's May Board of Governors meeting.
July 18, 2017
Filing and Reporting

TRACE Reporting Timeframes and Transparency Protocols1

Type of TRACE-Eligible SecurityOther Transactions - Reporting TimeframesList or Fixed Offering Price Transaction (as defined in FINRA Rule 6710(q)), or Takedown Transaction (as defined in FINRA Rule 6710(r))- Reporting TimeframeTransparency2
Corporate Bond (see FINRA Rule 6710(a))Within 15 minutes of time of execution (see FINRA Rule 6730(a)(
July 10, 2017
On-Demand Recording: Phone-In Workshop | Original Program Date: June 8, 2017
June 27, 2017
Interpretive Letter
A member firm may include related performance information in institutional communications concerning continuously offered closed-end funds, subject to the stated conditions discussed in the letter.
June 12, 2017
Board of Governors Meeting
FINRA President and CEO Robert Cook and Chairman of the Board Jack Brennan review rulemaking and other matters discussed at FINRA's May Board of Governors meeting.
May 10, 2017
A “family office,” as defined in the Advisers Act, may be considered an “investment adviser” for purposes of meeting the limited exception of FINRA Rule 5131.02.
May 09, 2017
On-Demand Recording: Phone-In Workshop and WebEx Presentation; Original Program Date: April 6, 2017
May 04, 2017
A Few Minutes With FINRA
FINRA Cam Funkhouser, Executive Vice President of FINRA’s Office of Fraud Detection and Market Intelligence (OFDMI), suggests some “red flags” firms should look out for with regard to insider trading, provides an overview of recent cases his office has handled, and explains how to contact FINRA with a tip about insider trading or other fraud. (8 min. 11 sec.)
April 10, 2017
Board of Governors Meeting
FINRA President and CEO Robert Cook and Chairman of the Board Jack Brennan review rulemaking and other matters discussed at FINRA's March Board of Governors meeting.
March 08, 2017

The fixed income distributions file is a cumulative list of distributions that have been announced per calendar year going back to 1/1/2017. Distributions include cash, stock and in kind distributions as a result of a bankruptcy reorganization plan, default interest payments, or other distributions in fixed income securities.

February 24, 2017
A Few Minutes With FINRA
Bill Wollman and Mike Rufino explain the nine risks that inform FINRA’s risk-based examination and surveillance program, and give examples of what staff looks for when assessing a firm’s risk. (19 min. 52 sec.)
January 18, 2017