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Building A More Transparent Organization

Long before transparency was a buzzword, it was central to FINRA’s mission. Transparent markets and educated investors ensure our markets remain strong and public trust in our markets remain high. Today, we sit down with FINRA’s Marcia Asquith, EVP for Board and External Relations, to hear how FINRA is improving transparency not only in financial markets, but also in its own operations.

Investing Smarter

Do you have student loan debt? If you do, you’re not alone. Almost 70 percent of students graduate with student debt—and many entering the job market in debt are unprepared to manage their own finances. That was the case for Gerri Walsh. Gerri now leads FINRA’s investor education efforts and is here today to help make us all smarter investors.

One Enforcement: Introducing FINRA’s New Enforcement Team

Consistency and foreseeability: that’s what any regulator strives for. But when FINRA CEO Robert Cook asked around, he heard that wasn’t always the case—particularly when it came to two different enforcement teams. That’s why FINRA’s Susan Schroeder has taken on the task of bring together these two teams into One Enforcement. Here’s how she’s doing it.