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11540. Delivery Under Government Regulations

(a) Documents Required
When the laws, regulations, rulings, instructions or orders of any government, government instrumentality or agency, or official thereof having jurisdiction, require a license, clearance certificate, affidavit of ownership or any similar document in connection with the acquisition, disposition, transfer or redemption of, or other dealing in or with respect to, any security, such security shall not be a good delivery unless accompanied by the document or documents so required.

11530. Delivery of Securities Called for Redemption or Which Are Deemed Worthless

(a) Securities Called for Redemption
A certificate of stock or a bond shall cease to be a good delivery upon publication of notice of call for redemption, except when an entire issue is called for redemption and except against transactions in "called stock" or "called bonds" dealt in specifically as such.
(b) Securities Deemed Worthless
(1) In contracts for securities where a public announcement o

11520. Delivery of Mutilated Securities

(a) A mutilated security shall not be a good delivery until appropriately authenticated by the trustee, registrar, transfer agent, or issuer.
(b) The delivery of a bond which bears a coupon which has been mutilated as to the bond number or signature or which bears a coupon which has been canceled in error shall not be good delivery unless an appropriate endorsement by an official authorized by paragraph (c) of this Rule, in the form required by the Committee, shall have been placed on the rever