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Advisory Committees

FINRA has 12 advisory committees that provide feedback on rule proposals, regulatory initiatives and industry issues. More than 160 industry members and 35 non-industry members serve on these committees. The advisory committees meet in-person or via teleconference typically between two and five times a year.

 Clearing Firm Advisory Committee

The Clearing Firm Advisory Committee is composed of member firm representatives from clearing firms, with introducing firm representatives regularly invited to participate. The committee is a forum for clearing and introducing firms to advise FINRA on issues arising from member firms’ activities relating to the clearance, carrying and settlement of securities, including issues, practices and activities affecting or relating to small member firms, such as their access to clearance and settlement services. The committee also assists FINRA in identifying and promoting best practices regarding clearing and carrying activities and making recommendations regarding FINRA rules relating to the clearance, carrying and settlement of securities.

Committee Members:

Lana Calton
Hilltop Securities Inc.

Amita Chinnadurai
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC

David M. Crow
Axos Clearing

Janet M. Dyer
Fidelity Investments

Rajeev Khurana
APEX Clearing Corporation

Mark McKinney
RBC Clearing & Custody

Nancy Newcome
BNY Pershing

Roger L. Shaffer
StoneX Financial, Inc.

FINRA Staff Liaisons:
Kayte Toczylowski
Bill Wollman

Membership effective June 1, 2024

 Corporate Financing Committee

The Corporate Financing Committee is comprised of senior representatives of member firms. The Committee advises FINRA on regulatory and public policy issues arising from firms' capital-raising and capital formation activities. Committee members typically have capital markets, investment banking, and legal and regulatory compliance experience and are familiar with underwriting terms and distribution arrangements in public and private securities offerings. The Committee provides FINRA with industry perspectives on registered and exempt offerings of corporate equities, debt, closed-end investment companies, alternative investments, and related regulatory requirements.

Committee Members:

Darrell Bridgers
Citigroup Global Markets Inc.

Kevin T. Gannon
Robert A. Stanger & Co., Inc.

Leslie K. Gardner
J.P. Morgan

Carlos L. Gonzales

Shanna B. Green
Jefferies LLC

Michael Kim
Morgan Stanley

Matthew Leavitt
Goldman Sachs & Co., LLC

K. So Young Lee
Bank of America Securities, Inc.

Membership effective June 1, 2024

 Economic Advisory Committee

The Economic Advisory Committee (EAC) is composed of economic and finance experts with a wide range of expertise, including banking, credit markets, market structure, international finance and behavioral economics. The committee advises FINRA on economic, market, and industry developments that may impact FINRA’s regulatory programs. EAC members provide insight on a range of issues related to FINRA’s mission of investor protection and market integrity including discussing academic research to better inform FINRA’s initiatives.

Committee Members:

Brad M. Barber
Graduate School of Management
University of California, Davis

Gregg E. Berman
Citadel Securities

Jeffrey H. Harris
Kogod School of Business
American University

Craig M. Lewis
Owen Graduate School of Management
Vanderbilt University

Marc L. Lipson
Darden Graduate School of Business Administration
University of Virginia

Pamela Moulton
SC Johnson College of Business
Cornell University

Patrick Pinschmidt
MiddleGame Ventures

Tavy Ronen
Rutgers Business School

Alberto Rossi
McDonough School of Business
Georgetown University

Heather E. Tookes
Yale School of Management
Yale University

Ingrid M. Werner
Fisher College of Business
The Ohio State University

Membership effective June 1, 2024

 Financial Responsibility Committee

The Financial Responsibility Committee is composed of member firm representatives. The committee advises and makes recommendations to FINRA primarily about FINRA and the Securities Exchange Commission's rules and policies affecting the financial and operational activities of firms. The committee also provides input on proposed FINRA rules and initiatives, or suggests amendments to existing FINRA rules, related to financial responsibility, clearance and settlement of securities transactions or other operational matters.

Committee Members:

Brian Beitzel
Transamerica Financial Advisors, Inc.

Patrick Consola
CIBC World Markets Corp.

Michael Greg Ellman
TRC Markets LLC

Amy Emens
PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)

Michelle Halla Hunter
Brownstone Investment Group

John Edward Kelly
South Street Securities, LLC

John Joseph Knox
KKR Capital Markets LLC

Michael Joseph Lyons
National Financial Services
Fidelity Brokerage Services

Tom McDonald
Richards Merrill Wealth Management

Marshall Farrokh Ollia
Raymond James & Associates, Inc.

Louis Pinto
Natixis Securities Americas LLC

Martha Soto
Investment Placement Group

FINRA Staff Liaison:
Bill Wollman

Membership effective June 1, 2024

 Fixed Income Committee

The Fixed Income Committee is composed of member firm representatives. The committee advises and makes recommendations to FINRA about regulatory initiatives, rules and policies and public policy issues involving debt securities, including municipal securities and municipal advisory activity. The committee addresses a broad range of issues concerning fixed income transactions, fixed income market participants, transaction reporting, transparency and pricing, suitability, advertising and disclosure, debt mark-ups and commissions, conflicts of interest, debt research, and training and supervision of persons engaged in debt securities business activities.

Committee Members:

Vivian Altman
Janney Montgomery Scott LLC

Deborah Bicanic
Hilltop Securities Inc.

Mark Borrelli
Huntington Securities, Inc.

Joanna Brody
Piper Sandler & Co.

A. Brad Busscher
InspereX LLC

Merlin Elsner
Multi-Bank Securities, Inc.

Johanna Frebes
Keybanc Capital Markets Inc.

Gary Hall
Siebert Williams Shank & Co., LLC

Chris Kendall
Charles Schwab & Co. Inc.

Devi Shanmugham
Tradeweb L.L.C.

Rick Taiano
nabSecurities, LLC

FINRA Staff Liaisons:
Tiffany Buxton
Lauren Schreur

 Investor Issues Committee

The Investor Issues Committee is composed of subject matter experts, including academics, consumer advocates, former securities regulators, institutional investors and individuals affiliated with non-broker-dealer asset management firms. The committee advises FINRA staff on matters that significantly affect individual and institutional investors, including proposed rulemaking, policy initiatives and other issues, and to help inform FINRA's economic analysis from the perspective of investors. In addition, the committee routinely reviews rule proposals and regulatory initiatives before they are brought before the FINRA Board.

Committee Members:

Paul Andrews
CFA Institute

Shonita Bossier
Presbyterian Foundation

Nicole G. Iannarone
Drexel University Thomas R. Kline School of Law 

Christine Lazaro
St. John’s University School of Law

Yoon-ho Alex Lee
Pritzker School of Law, Northwestern University

Michael J. Simon
Deloitte & Touche, LLP (Retired)

Nancy M. Smith

Tom Tull
Retired from the Employee Retirement System
of Texas

FINRA Staff Liaisons:
Gerri Walsh
Robert Colby

Membership effective June 1, 2024

 Large Firm Advisory Committee

The Large Firm Advisory Committee is composed of the senior compliance officers of FINRA's largest member firms. The committee routinely reviews rule proposals and regulatory initiatives before they are brought before the FINRA Board. In addition, the committee advises FINRA regarding the effect of current and proposed securities rules and regulations—including FINRA rules—on members engaged in retail and institutional brokerage and investment banking activities. The committee also assists FINRA in identifying and promoting best practices regarding broker-dealer compliance activities.

Committee Members:

Michael Coffee
HSBC Securities (USA) Inc.

Christina B. Dugger
J.P. Morgan Securities, LLC

Lisa M. Francomano
UBS Financial Services, Inc.

Megan Hatfield
T. Rowe Price Investment Services, Inc.

Jennifer Kane
Jeffries, LLC

Ryan Lester
Goldman Sachs & Co., LLC

Andrew Lipton
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney

James McHale
LPL Financial, LLC

Jason Monterio
Deutsche Bank Securities Inc. 

Charles “Chad” Nichols
Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.

C.B. Richardson
Citigroup Global Markets Inc.

Carlos A. Torres
Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Inc.

Christos Tsamadias
Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC

Michael Weissman
Fidelity Brokerage Services, LLC

FINRA Staff Liaisons:
Kayte Toczylowski
Kerri Provenza

Membership effective June 1, 2024

 Market Regulation Committee

The Market Regulation Committee is composed of industry and non-industry representatives. The committee advises FINRA on market regulation and trading issues. The committee provides input and perspective on proposed rule changes and other initiatives relating to quotations, executions, trade reporting, short sales and trading practices. Committee members also provide input on the administration of various FINRA market regulation and trade reporting systems, such as the Trade Reporting and Compliance engine (Trace), the Trade Reporting Facilities, as well as national market system plans, such as the Consolidated Audit Trail (CAT) Plan. Committee members may also serve on FINRA hearing panels that hear issues related to market regulation and trading.

Committee Members:

Jonathan Brogaard 
David Eccles School of Business, University of Utah

Michal Danziger
Citigroup Global Markets Inc.

Daniel C. Farrell
Franklin Templeton Investments

Gary Goldsholle
Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.

Manisha Kimmel
London Stock Exchange Group

Cass Sanford

Jasmin Sethi
Sethi Clarity Advisers

Daniel Zinn
OTC Markets Group, Inc.

FINRA Staff Liaisons:
Christopher Moraitis

Membership effective June 1, 2024

 Membership Committee

The Membership Committee represents a cross-section of the securities industry, including representatives from medium-size member firms and member firms that are independent dealers or are affiliated with insurance companies. It routinely reviews rule proposals and regulatory initiatives before they are brought before the FINRA Board. In addition, the committee's responsibilities include, but are not limited to, providing insight on industry trends, issues and needs regarding regulatory compliance; assistance in identifying and promoting sound compliance practices; advice on FINRA's regulatory systems; and ideas for compliance offerings and educational programs to meet firm needs.

Committee Members:

Norm Ashkenas
Robinhood Markets

Michelle Barry
Transamerica Financial Advisors

Stephen S. Berkely
Loop Capital Markets, LLC

Brett Flansburg
American Enterprise Investment Service, Inc.

Dori Hammond
Osaic Wealth Inc.

Nancy Heffner
Lincoln Investment Planning

Cheryl Heilman
Bankers Life Securities, Inc.

Patricia McCallop
Cetera Advisor Networks, LLC

Christy Moccia
Clear Street, LLC

Willson Rasavongxay
William Blair & Company, L.L.C.  

Courtney Reid
MML Investors Services, LLC
MassMutual Financial Advisors

Serina Shores
The Huntington Company

Daniel Woodring
PFS Investments, Inc.

FINRA Staff Liaisons:
Kayte Toczylowski
Kerri Provenza

Membership effective June 1, 2024

 National Arbitration and Mediation Committee

The National Arbitration and Mediation Committee (NAMC) makes recommendations to FINRA regarding recruitment, qualification, training, and evaluation of arbitrators and mediators. The NAMC also makes recommendations on rules, regulations and procedures that govern the conduct of arbitration, mediation, and other dispute resolution matters before FINRA.

The NAMC members include investors, securities industry professionals and FINRA arbitrators and mediators. A majority of the NAMC members and its chair are non-industry representatives. This broad composition ensures a neutral approach in the administration of Dispute Resolution's forum, promoting fairness to all parties.

FINRA Staff Liaisons:
Rick Berry

Membership effective June 1, 2024

 Small Firm Advisory Committee

The Small Firm Advisory Committee (SFAC) is composed of ten members – 5 elected and 5 appointed – all senior executives of small firms. It exists to ensure that issues of particular interest and concern to small firms are effectively communicated to and considered by FINRA. The SFAC also routinely reviews rule proposals and regulatory initiatives before they are brought before the FINRA Board of Governors. FINRA’s three small firm representatives to the Board of Governors serve as ex-officio, non-voting members of the SFAC.

You may contact SFAC members directly by visiting the Small Firm Advisory Committee web page.

Committee Members:

Brian Buehler
Triton Pacific Securities, LLC

Kenneth Cherrier
Fidelity & Guaranty Securities, LLC

Robert Hamman 
First Asset Financial Inc.

Preston Haxo (Chair)
Mondeum Capital, LLC

Paula Heffron
Stonecrest Capital Markets

Steven Jafarzadeh
Stonehaven, LLC

Andrew Kurian
Hedgebay Securities

Wendy Lanton (Ex-Officio)
Herold & Lantern Investments, Inc.

Linde Murphy (Ex-Officio)
M.E. Allison & Co., Inc.

Karolina Pajdak
R. Seelaus & Co., Inc.

Janice Parise
Winterflood Securities US Corp.

Carolina M. Rivas
Bci Securities, Inc.

Jennifer Szaro (Ex-Officio)
XML Securities, LLC


FINRA Staff Liaisons:
Kayte Toczylowski
Kerri Provenza

Membership effective January 1, 2025

 Uniform Practice Code Committee

FINRA's Uniform Practice Code (UPC) Committee is composed of member firm representatives. The committee advises and makes recommendations to FINRA on issues relating to the UPC and over-the-counter (OTC) market trading, processing and operations. For example, the committee considers issues related to the clearance and settlement of OTC securities transactions, FINRA's Rule Series on Clearly Erroneous Transactions, and UPC corporate actions processing issues.

Committee Members:

Kelly Bell
Hilltop Securities

Nikki Brinkerhoff
Signet Securities, LLC

Christopher Haines
Edward Jones

FINRA Staff Liaisons:
Patricia Casimates 
Chris Stone

Membership effective June 1, 2024