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Small Firm Advisory Committee (SFAC)

The Small Firm Advisory Committee (SFAC) is an advisory committee established by the NASD Board of Governors in 1998. The SFAC ensures that issues of particular interest and concern to small firms are effectively communicated to and considered by the FINRA Board of Governors. The SFAC reviews and comments on all new and amended FINRA rule proposals, and provides guidance to FINRA staff regarding the potential impact of proposed regulatory initiatives on FINRA's small firms.

The SFAC is comprised of 10 members, five at-large members appointed by FINRA's Board of Governors, and five members elected by the small firms - one member in each of the five FINRA regions. FINRA's three small firm representatives to the Board of Governors serve as ex-officio members of the SFAC. In addition, all SFAC members are affiliated with firms employing no more than 150 registered representatives and are senior executives at their firm.

Small Firm Advisory Committee Members

Brian Buehler
Triton Pacific Securities, LLC

Kenneth Cherrier
Fidelity & Guaranty Securities, LLC
Des Moines, IA
(515) 473-5156

Robert Hamman
First Asset Financial Inc.
(785) 825-5050

Preston Haxo (Chair)
Mondeum Capital, LLC
(305) 921-9412

Paula Heffron
Stonecrest Capital Markets

Steven Jafarzadeh
Stonehaven, LLC
(917) 349-7050

Andrew Kurian
Hedgebay Securities

Karolina Pajdak
R. Seelaus & Co., Inc.

Janice Parise
Winterflood Securities US Corp.
New York, NY
(212) 751-4422


Carolina M. Rivas
Bci Securities, Inc.
(305) 929-5506

Jennifer Szaro (Ex-Officio)
XML Securities, LLC
Bethesda, MD

Wendy Lanton (Ex-Officio)
Herold & Lantern Investments, Inc.
Melville, NY

Linde Murphy (Ex-Officio)
M.E. Allison & Co., Inc.
San Antonio, TX