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Get Your Head in the Trade

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Which you makes your investing decisions?

Take a minute to check in on which part of you is about to tap the trade button. And know that whoever you listen to, spending time to make a more informed investment decision is the best thing you can do.

The Dreamer You

You’ve got a lot of ideas for how to spend your money now and in the future. Set specific goals to give purpose to the money you invest.

The Impulsive You

Save those impulse buys for the grocery store. To keep your investing on track, calculate how much money you’ll need in the near-, medium- and long-term.

The Nervous You

Does the uncertainty of investing give you heartburn? Take steps to figure out how comfortable you are with risk and potential changes in the value of an investment.

The Rational You

Focus on the facts. Dig into the nitty-gritty of an investment opportunity to be sure you understand how it could make—or lose—money.

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