Give me the freedom to invest at my own risk
Limiting my access to ETF and leveraged funds in any way puts me at a huge disadvantage as an investor. It leaves the best opportunities to the "big guys". And it would take consumer rights away from me and leave them to "insiders "
I thiink this is unfair because these vehicles are useful for investors
I oppose limitations on leveraged an inverse products.
These products are an important part of my portfolio and are useful tools for securing my long-term financial security.
Furthermore, these don't represent an outsized risk compared to idiosyncratic risk associated with investing in (or short-sellijg) individual stocks -- yet they already carry an *abundantly clear* warning --
I am writing to oppose restrictions on my right to invest in public investments. It is our decision to choose the public investments that are right for my family.
I would like to state that it is by no means the governments place to limited my investing choices. This is not an action to protect the individual investors but to limit our choices.
Dear FINRA Regulators,
I am an active investor and use inverse and leveraged funds.
I believe it is my right to have unimpeded access to these funds in order to keep pace with hedge funds and a fast moving equity market. These funds help level the playing field for individual investors.
These are publicly available investments and need to be available to all of the public.
Comments I understand the risk of leveraged long and short funds I use them to offset market movements and trade them shot term and should not be limited to use them .
I believe that people should be able to determine their own investments and can evaluate their own risk tolerances. Over time people do make errors but can learn from these experiences. I urge FINRA not to limit the public markets in investments as it reduces the liquidity for all invrstors.
I oppose this regulation as this tramples on the concept of free market and it also impedes on my right to investing my money the way I want to.