TO: All NASD Members and Other Interested Persons
The NASD requests comments on proposed amendments to the definitions of "branch office" and "office of supervisory jurisdiction." Under the proposed amendments, any office at which certain specified functions take place would be defined as an office of supervisory
TO: All NASD Members and Level 2 and Level 3 Subscribers
On Tuesday, July 7, 1987, 29 issues are scheduled to join the NASDAQ National Market System, bringing the total number of issues in NASDAQ/NMS to 2,972. These 29 issues, which will begin trading under real-time trade reporting, are entering NASDAQ/NMS pursuant to the Securities and Exchange Commission's criteria for voluntary
TO: All NASD Members and Other Interested Persons
This notice announces adoption of an amendment to Article HI, Section 35 of the NASD Rules of Fair Practice. The amendment was adopted by the NASD Board of Governors in response to the use by certain members of misleading advertising and improper sales literature in the marketing of public direct participation programs.
On Monday, July 18, 2016, FINRA will implement changes and enhancements to TRACE trade reporting and dissemination.
SEC Staff Provides Insight Into Firms’ Obligations When Providing Stock Quote Information to Customers
Proposed Rule Change to Adopt New FINRA Rule 6732 (Exemption from Trade Reporting Obligation for Certain Transactions on an Alternative Trading System)
Submission of "Clearing-Only, Non-Regulatory Reports" to the FINRA Equity Trade Reporting Facilities
SEC Approves Rule Requiring Members’ Websites to Include a Readily Apparent Reference and Hyperlink to BrokerCheck
Proposed Rule Change to Adopt the Capital Acquisition Broker Rules
<p>The FINRA Board of Governors will consider the following rulemaking items at its December 2015 meeting. After the meeting, FINRA will notify firms via email about the Board’s actions on these items and anticipated next steps, if any.</p>