The "big guys" have enough power and tools already to influence the actions of the stock market and I believe in many cases individual stocks. It's important that individual investors have the ability to invest, or trade, leveraged investments and inverse funds to achieve their portfolio objectives. These vehicles allow specific sector investing, regardless of the
I have 35 years of investing experience. I did not begin utilizing leveraged products until approximately 20m plus years of investing experience, with respect to invers products. I am a very experienced investor/trader. I neither require or appreciate regulator interference in my chosen livelihood.
Regulating these types of investments is detrimental to the ideals of a free market. I totally disagree with adding regulations around these types of investments.
This is a huge mistake. Retail investors are much more sophisticated than you are giving them credit for. WE DO NOT NEED MORE BABYSITTING AND HANDHOLDING. We have the right to take the risk and invest in products that we so choose. Let us trade and invest in these complex products. The proposed rule changes are insulting, unamerican, and disgraceful.
We dont need any more new regulations we already have enough
Please let us continue using leveraged funds. I have studied and know how to use these investments properly.
We want to tell you that I would like to oppose restrictions on my right to invest in public investments.
Comments: This is wrong. Limiting access to financial instruments to the wealthy and having them pass a special set of requirements will further drive the wealth gap in this country, and is wholly undemocratic. People should be able to invest as they please, gain and lose their own money as they please.
Hello. I bought and sold leveraged ETFs and still hold a lot of them such as spxl and tqqq. I ask you to not restrict my ability to own or trade these.
I'm not understanding this notice clearly. But I do right kind of investment as available on US stock exchanges. Please do not confuse me with such restricted information and I oppose such regulations.