Levered ETFs is the only way average Americans can get private equity like returns that the rich are availed.
People are smart enough to make their own investment decisions!
This is ridiculous.
In American we believe in freedom.
Freedom means having choices. Less choices is less freedoms
Please do not make it more difficult for investors to use inverse ETFs. As with any investment, there are risks in using inverse ETFs. That said, investors like myself use these ETFs are a means of hedging risk.
I am against any additional regulations on my ability to trade leveraged and inverse funds. I am fully capable of making my own decisions without you looking over my shoulder.
I have a small portfolio of buy and hold individual stocks and bond funds. To balance my market risk, I always keep several investments that tend to move opposite of the general market. I strenuously object to any government action to remove my ability to protect my investment in a down market without selling my portfolio
It is "PUBLIC INVESTMENTS". We have the right to participate.
I understand they hold a higher risk and that is well explained before confirmation of the initial purchase, at least it is in my Fidelity account.
I should not be limited to make decisions for myself and family, not regulators. I should not have to pass a test and jump through government hoops to invest in public securities.Leverage and inverse funds are a hedge of other investment I have to protect overall returns. I dont need unnecessary restructures placed on my freedom to invest.
Here are my opinion:
1) Hurts Investors: It could potentially deny me the freedom to choose investments that could
help me achieve long-term financial security.
2) Is Arbitrary and Unworkable: FINRAs definition of complex products is so broad, arbitrary and vague that it could ensnare a vast number of commonly used public securities. Tests or criteria to determine investor understanding are
I oppose restrictions to my rights to invest.
All investments involve risk. It is up to the individual to determine if an investment is suitable to his own wishes and bear the consequences of such a choice. The government and its agencies are only needed to assure fair trades take place, not qualify the individual investor. If the individual is dealing with a broker through a b/d relationship, the broker is responsible to qualify