In light of the new proposed regulation that ProShares has made me aware of I thought I should make my feelings known. There are many complex investment opportunities, and it is incumbent on the investor to educate himself on the risks. The government should protect us from fraud but not from ourselves. I am a free man, a living soul with a mind to make my own choices. Well written disclosures
Leveraged funds are important to my investment strategies; government imposed limitations of how I can invest my money is absurd imagine if I could decide specifically how the government is allowed to allocate and spend my tax dollars.
It poses a severe threat towards market fairness. It's like locking people in home because of Flu. Retail traders or investors should be able to freely choose whatever products that fit their trading strategies. Finance is NOT only for the rich or the privileged. We know what leveraged funds are. Also, the liquidity will be severely affected if passed.
Leveraged etfs allow users with less capital to grow their accounts in a way that would otherwise require them to to dip into risky techniques themselves (futures, options, margin, etc.). The descriptions of these investments are very clear that this kind of thing is happening behind the scenes.
I'm against increased regulation of leveraged products.
Restricting Main Street investors from investing in leveraged and inverse funds is acting in a Nanny State manner. Americans should be able to live their lives as they see fit as long as their actions do not adversely affect others. Punishing the majority for the foolish actions of the minority is not a winning formula.
I want to be able to continue to purchase leveraged funds. They have benefitted me to a great extent and I don't want this ability to be taken away from me.
Please dont change the rule on how we can invest. This would take one of our freedoms away. We should have the right to invest as we have by in the past.
I understand that leveraged and inverse funds present significant risks and opportunities. It is important to me to have these investments available as I manage my portfolio. Please do not inhibit the availability in conjunction with either brokerage or IRA accounts.
I'd like to voice my concern about the potential to restrict investing access to leveraged and inverse funds. These products help investors protect their portfolio and the risks are understood. Changing the rules now when portfolios need protection the most is careless, reckless, and risky for investors.