Please do not do this. You may believe youre helping the average investor but youre in fact harming them. This action would take away yet another investment/trading option available to the commoner. The wealthy have a multitude of investments options available to them that lower networth people simply cannot access. Leveraged funds specifically allow the clean utilization of highly technical
It is up to the individual to manage their risk. The regulation of publicly traded ETF is simply arrogant. Also, limiting leveraged ETFs will only push traders to more risky option contracts. It seems that the requirements to trade leveraged ETFs favors the rich and powerful and limits the capability of the retail trader...unbelievable.
Inverse Leveraged ETFs are a good way to hedge fixed income investments. I invested in the TBT leveraged ETF to offset losses in my bond investments due to interest rate hikes. Why should I lose my right to invest in a product that protects the value of my investments simply because some investors are too stupid to understand the product they are buying.
Certified Financial Planner and Retirement Income Certified Professional here: These new proposals are another failed attempt to regulate the finance industry. At this point it is almost comical that all of the proposed and enacted regulations are obviously meant to hurt the average Joe, while allowing big players to continue to profit and manipulate the system. I hope at some point in the near
I use leveraged ETF's to meet my stock market % goal, while tying up less of my capital. I can therefore generate greater income by having more capital for income oriented investments. I understand the risks and use them appropriately.
This is not something that should be regulated. Ensure that people understand the risks of these investments, but prohibiting their use is not something I will condone.
Leveraged funds are important part of my portfolio. Please do not limit or stop them. Thank you
I wish to STRONGLY OPPOSE this notice planned to eliminate and limit my choices as an investor. Can the government please stop over-regulating everything? Thank you.
To whom it may concern
The small investor does not have the tools available to larger investors
Please dont limit the ability of small time investors to take advantage of market conditions
Thank you
I oppose restrictions on my investment choices. I should be able to invest my own money as I see fit, no one else can make that decision better than I can. Leveraged and inverse funds are a limmmmited but important to my investment portfolio and long term strategies. I do not want to lose that option.
John Carlucci