Investing in leveraged funds has allowed me to make significant gains towards retirement in my IRA and recapture my retirement goals that was destroyed by the 2008 housing crash. Without access to these type of leveraged funds I will have to resort to crypto currency type investments.
I'm an informed investor and aware of the possible risks involved so please don't take away the freedom of what I want to do with my money.
I'm reading that FINRA wants to limit or remove leveraged ETFs that we can buy! I don't want anyone telling me what I can or can NOT invest in! Leveraged ETFs are for traders and I've been trading for over10 years. Doesn't FINRA have anything better to do than trying to control individual traders?
Why are regulators trying to determine what I can and cannot invest in? This is not what America stands for! I believe I have a right to determine my personal path forward based on my personal assessments and knowledge. Americans of all demographics should have the freedom to choose to do what we want with our investments.
Stripping further rights away from investors is unacceptable. We, the investors, should be able to control our own destiny!
Resist the urge to over regulate.
Ok dont change FINRA regulatory notice
Do not limit my investment opportunities
The ability the hedge my account with leveraged ETFs is invaluable.I am able to manage risk without having to buy puts and or call options which have an expiration and are costly. Also, all stocks are risky these ETFs are no different i.e, Netflix just went from 700 per share down to 209 in a few months!
I have my own right to decide which product I want to invest. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged.
I shouldn't have to go through any special process like passing a test before you can invest in public securities, like leveraged and inverse funds. I got a PhD majored in computational finance and I understand leveraged and inverse funds and