Investors should be able to invest in what ever they deem fit - inverse and leveraged funds are an appropriate to de-risk a portfolio. Please focus your efforts on areas where fraud exists - Crypto would be a good place to start.
Please be aware all stocks have a risk level. Inverse funds are a tool that all investors should have at their disposal.
I have been investing for 20 years. I should have the right to invest my money the way I want to without added regulations as ultimately, it's my money. Please do not impose added regulatory burdens on investors.
I want to maintain my current freedom to invest in public securities of my choosing. I want to be able to invest in leveraged funds.
This is a way for regular people to make extraordinary money. We know the risk when we buy and sell . This hurts people more than helps.
leveraged ETFs are important part of my overall long term investment strategy - which should be readily available to all of the public.
I should be able to choose the public investments that are right for me and my family. And, not have FED REGULATORS decide what I can Buy or Sell.
The Financial Markets are supposed to be an open Market Place, but the Big Financial Boys cannot beat the levered etf's. This is the Real reason for their shut down of levered erf's. Pretty sad, but this is the FED at it's
Leveraged and inverse funds are the only way I am able to hedge my portfolio. Please don't make it more difficult.
Dear Sirs and Madams, I urge you to NOT implement the new FINRA Regulatory Notice #22-08. It is unnecessary and creates a barrier to investors who use certain leveraged funds as part of their diversified portfolios. Creating barriers to investors for the use of certain investment tools further stacks the deck against the smaller investors in yet another way compared to wealthier investors, who