I and others should have the right to buy and sell any investments that we feel are right for those and their families when and if we so choose. Public investments should be available to all of the public not just those that are privileged. I also shouldn't have to go through any special process like passing a test before I can invest in public securities like leveraged and inverse funds
As a middle class American, it should continue to be my right and prerogative to invest in all public investment securities including complex investments. Onerous rules put on citizens through burdensome regulations and requirements is not consistent with a largely free people and society.
I do not require additional measures imposed on me to invest in leveraged or inverse securities
Just do not mesh up with the rights investor currently has to invest their money the way they want and not dictated by someone who does not have any right on what I am suppose to do with my money. You have plenty of other things to fix like the loopholes, go work on that instead.
My do not agree with the new FINRA position that would affect my right to invest in ProShares and other funds.
Donna Squillace
I oppose the restrictions to my right to invest.
I choose my investments wisely, as well as subscribe to others who have made a career out of investing. I don't want my investment choices limited.
My use of leveraged funds is limited to the times the market, or a particular sector, is moving lower. Those funds are not something I hold for a long time, I understand their loss of value over time.
I am opposed to any further regulations on my abilities to trade.
I oppose the restrictions to my right to invest.