Dear Sirs/Madams, It's come to my attention that you are considering regulating so-called complex or leveraged ETFs. As an active small investor, I implore you not to do so. I use these ETFs to hedge risk in the marketplace, and this gives me confidence in my investments, knowing that I can sustain market shocks, as well as to maintain reasonable rates of return. I have been using these for
Leveraged funds have been an important way I have improved returns. Inverse funds have allowed me to reduce risk of market crashes. People should be able to do this without having a high net worth.
I would like to say that I am in favor that the people should decide what shares to buy and what not to buy because it is the peoples money that they are using to get a hold of the shares so they can invest for their retirement or future for their families.
Could someone please inform FINRA that the US is well into the throws of a total societal/financial collapse, as is most of the rest of the planet. Adding layers of burdensome regulation and limiting the public' in which publicly traded securities they may or may not use for speculation, hedging or investment purposes is equivalent to rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic after it
To may it whom concern,
I believe its unfair to regulate leveraged investments in te middle of a financial "crisis". The stock is deeply down, so it could be a measure that affects an important amount of people and their welth. I, Rafael Sanabria, invested on these ETFs knowing the risk that they imply in my portfolio. Please let us trade by ourselves.
Thank you for listening
[REDACTED] FINRA for considering such a [REDACTED] idea. Another way to snub the freedom of retail investors. Dumb [REDACTED] making this plan can [REDACTED].
Regulators should not be able to choose public investments that are right for me and my family. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged.
Absolutely NO to notice 22-08
I should be able to choose the public investments that are right for me and my family. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just privileged.
I should not have to go through any special process like passing a test before I can invest in public securities, like leveraged and inverse funds. I am capable of understanding leveraged and inverse funds and their risks.
Regarding inverse and leveraged ETFs: I feel they both are important tools for retail traders, especially novice traders inexperienced with traditional short-selling and options.
Many novice traders lose in the market because they only know how to play it one direction, I.E. buy low sell high. They either don't understand, are intimidated by, or don't want/have the