I am a simplistic retail investor. I only invest in index funds and ETFS which track an index. I think much of the literature promotes this type of investing, but I believe if you are willing to invest in "complex" products then you should be allowed to. Though I not think this notice is recommending to restrict index funds; I am doubtful that once we begin restricting financial
Lakeisha Alston
To whom it may concern;
It is deeply disturbing that thee are proposed limitations on leveraged and inverse ETFs being discussed. Although concerns are valid that these investments do carry increased risk, anyone who does their due diligence reading the forms and prospectuses and looking at the one, five, and ten year charts can see whether the investment is a hedge/short term only (most inverse
I don't need or want any additional regulation from the government on investing. Your efforts to "protect me or other investors" from the financial industry is a waste of time and money. It only results in the erosion of return on my investments because the cost of regulatory compliance is so much.
A test is not necessary, the prospectus covers the risks.
Self-directed individual investors that understand the risks should have the opportunity to built diversified strategies, to not only speculate, but also generate income & hedge when appropriate.
It is absurd to prevent Americans from investing in any sort of securities that they want to. Risk assessment should be done by the investor, not by government regulators. For example, anyone could invest in a NASDAQ fund. But a leveraged fund gives me 3x the return (and risk) for 1x the investment. I would have to invest 3x as much to get the same return. That just ties up more of my money
Investors have a greater interest in protecting their investments and there is no reason that an investor should not have the choice on how or when they can invest their money in any legal investment opportunity. Public securities including inverse and leveraged funds are yet another investment tool in the arsenal of ways to respond to changes in the market. Having big brother hindering or
I've been investing in leveraged and inverse funds for over 15 years. I would've never been able to build a nest egg for retirement from almost nothing if I did not have the ability to invest in these funds. Please don't take it away.
Leveraged and inverse funds are a hedging tool when I think put option premiums are expensive and/or I am unable to directly short a stock or ETF in my retirement accounts. I also use them to make speculative directional bets where I deem appropriate. Position size is always key in volatile products ,that is just common sense from the offset, or quickly learned by actual trading experience...