Dear FINRA regulators,
I'm writing to oppose Notice #22-08. Investors knows best for their investment objectives and therefore they shall choose the public investments that are right for themselves and their families. I as all individual investors am capable of understanding leveraged and inverse funds and their risks, and we do not need any measurements to impose on us. Public
Under FINRAs potential regulations, if your investments are deemed complex you might be required to: Pass a regulator-imposed test of your specialized investment knowledge Demonstrate a high net worth Get special approval from your broker Attest to reading certain materials Go through cooling off periods where you cant invest FINRA Should mind their own business and leave individual investors
Dear Regulators, Get your heads out of your collective [REDACTED] and allow the people of America to choose their own investments. You need us. We don't need you.
The private investors should be able to choose the investments he desires to buy in the service of building wealth for his family.
I have used leveraged and inverse funds to great success in hedging my bets against the changing investment landscape.
As an investor, I understand the risk associated with leveraged and inverse ETFs. Leveraged and inverse funds are important for my investment strategy. These funds are a small portion of my portfolio. I also use them to hedge my investments and to seek enhanced returns. As an investor I should be able to choose the investments that are right for me and my family.
I oppose new restrictions on my right to invest in public investments using leveraged and inverse funds.
I have read the the warnings and am capable of understanding leveraged and inverse funds and their risks.
No further regulation is necessary.
Thank you.
To whom it may concern:
I oppose restrictions to my right to invest for the following reasons:
1) I should be able to choose any investments that are right for me.
2) Public investments should be available to all, not just the privileged.
3) I shouldn't have to go through any special process before I can invest in public securities as I am capable of understanding leveraged and inverse
Please dont regulate my ability to purchase leveraged funds. I currently own pros are funds and am aware of risks associated with leveraged funds. I watch them closely and have been successful in building my financial portfolio. Public investments should be a available to all without regulation. Not just the privileged
Hi, please do not regulate leveraged ETFs further. This would push me to look into riskier assets such as crypto. Keep the market free as it should be, further regulation is unnecessary. Have a good day. Thank you
Just stop with the nanny state already. Enforce the rules you already have and obtain convictions for the fraud and malevolence which are everywhere in our financial markets. If you cannot prevent the looting at the ARK funds, or the huge batch of highly questionable IPO's from 1H 2022, what business do you have regulating leveraged instruments. There was huge risk to investing in