If FINRA truly wants a free and fair market place they will NOT entertain such blatant cronyism that shows they are the puppets of the wealthy. Keep the market fair. You already have enough barriers to entry for the average investor.
I worked on the trading floor of the Chicago Board of Trade from 1984 to 1992. I also was a Series 7 broker from 1992 on. Now you are saying that I cant trade ETF's??? What are you insane?
As a retired person these funds have been very helpful. I do not want to lose access to this group.
I want to be incharge of my investment
Hello, This is a good movement to stop all leveraged ETFs. I have lost lot of money in the past in investing these leveraged ETFs. I would also request Government to stop all options trading and short selling. Government should audit upgrades an downgrades done by big banks. They are doing it without any proper justifications. Thank you.
I am writing to comment on the proposed changes to leverage and inverse funds. Please be advised that, myself along with many of my friends, family, and colleagues have invested through these vehicles for the last decade that they have been available. Everyone I know reads the prospectus, understands the strategies used to achieve the result, and are familiar with and accept the risks associated
Inverse funds help me protect/hedge my investments especially within accounts where using alternative methods (i.e. shorting, derivatives, etc.) is not available. Leveraged funds help me enhance my returns in a similar manner except to the upside in, mostly retirement, accounts where options trading isn't available.
Comments: Brokerage Firms already provides warnings in connection with my investments in L&I Funds. No further restrictions required from FINRA.
I am against any restriction from the Regulatory agency to limit investors on what they feel / deem important to invest in such as inverse leveraged funds. Please no not allow such restriction.
I oppose restrictions to my right to invest:
I'm an individual investor and leveraged ETFs are a big part of my portfolio. I should be able to choose the public investments that are right for me. I do not want any measures imposed on me.