I oppose any restriction on individual investors use of inverse or leveraged ETFs. I personally have used inverse and leveraged ETFs to protect myself during periods of market volatility as a means to limit my downside risk while keeping invested in the market. I except to lose a certain amount of money on these instruments in many instances but accept that cost because of the downsides of
I am a regular investor in TQQQ and I understand the risk and consequences. So please allow me to continue investing and don't ban it.
Restricting leveraged investment products to high net worth individuals only harms the retail investor. A retail investor can already access significant amounts of leverage through student loans and real estate, LETFs are no different. So long as the investment prospectus is clear, risk rightfully falls entirely on the investor.
On a personal level, restricting my ability to purchase leveraged
I depend on leveraged ETFs for my retirement. Without these returns, I would not be able to earn enough to support myself in the coming years. I understand well the risk associated with these funds and have educated myself well enough to trade them. I very much oppose any limitations placed on mobility to do so by regulators and feel such actions would be unfair and discriminatory.
Leveraged and Inverse funds are important to my and family investment strategies, shouldn't be limited to some chosen few.
I use leveraged and inverse funds as a part of my regular portfolio and I don't need a bunch of [REDACTED] to be able to do it!
I should be able to choose the investments that are right for me and my family. I should not go through any special process to invest in public funds.
Working class people that take the time to learn about investing and that take the time to invest their money should be able to do so how they see fit. This opportunity shouldnt be taken away from us or taken away from people that want to do it in the future.
Investors don't need these regulations. We understand that investing in financial markets can be risky. They can be appropriate in certain circumstances, and we can decide on our own where we want to invest. Passing a test or any other special process will only favor the "big boys" over individual investors. I use leveraged funds as a small part of my overall
I, not regulators should be able to choose the public
investments that are right for me and my family.
Public investments should be available to all of the public,
not just the privileged
I, shouldn't have to go through any special process
like passing a test before you can invest in public securities, like leveraged and inverse funds. I am
capable of understanding