Please do not restrict my ability to buy TQQQ. I like it because it resets my leverage to 3x everyday, which makes it easier to hold without fear of margin call. I fully understand the implications of the daily leverage reset and don't need you to protect me. If you restrict my ability to buy this fund I will simply use futures contracts instead which will be even more dangerous.
This proposed regulation is yet another encroachment on the rights of investors, all under the flawed premise that investors need more "protection" than already exists. The Fund industry does an outstanding job of clearly spelling out the risks with leveraged investments, and any so-called investor who doesn't educate themselves to those risks has NO ONE TO BLAME BUT THEMSELVES if
Public investments should be made available to all, not just the privileged.
Hello FINRA,
I have been using leveraged ETF's in my portfolio using a strategy based on an algorithm that helps me decide when to buy and sell and I have been successful using this strategy. I have a firm belief that I, not the regulators should be able to choose the investments that are right for myself and my family. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not
I am writing to you regarding the government overreach that is FINRA #22-08. As an investor I expect that I should be able to make public investments without interference from the government. I understand it is my responsibility to educate myself on prospective investments and I don't expect to have to jump through government imposed hoops in order to do so. I urge you to not move
I believe it should remain my choice how I invest. If I choose to invest in IPO's, leveraged funds, crypto's etc. with a portion of my portfolio it should not be the decision of a regulating body.
I used 3x levereged ETFs to make a 560% return on my investments during the pandemic. It was my American Dream come true. Please do not restrict my ability to take advantages of 3x levereged ETFs.
I actually agree with the proposal as I understand it. If the .com meltdown and especially '08 meltdowns have taught us anything, it's that it is not a level playing field when it comes to knowledge of financial markets and people need to be, if not protected from themselves, then at least given a 'reality check' concerning their suitability to be investing in
Please, let the average Person have the chance to make some real money. The accredited investors already have their hedge funds, dont discriminate against us little guys. Let us have our chance to make money, too.
This is unnecessary change that affect and reduces access to investors from products.
I do not understand why a regulator should be telling me as an individual and raising the bar to what kind of ETFs I can invest in.
Requiring a test is the opposite of an equalizer and prevents marginalize groups access to this type of investment.