leverage funds have saved me from large losses several times...Do not limit access to these funds and cripple investors like me. In a free market why do this??
I consider these proposed rules to be yet another abridgment of a citizen's right to do with his money what he chooses. I have half a century of experience in investing in stocks and bonds of all varieties. I learned how to do it the hard way, not by taking a test, but by self-study and experimenting with various instruments. I administered 2 employee pension plans as well as my own
What should be enforced is proper disclosure. All investors should have access to investment vehicles that are in the markets. Too often regulatory bodies assume the public is too stupid to make rational decisions. It seems whenever regulatory bodies make rules to "protect the little guy" its really about taking away opportunity and freedom.
I am strongly opposed to the proposed regulations on leveraged and inverse funds. Limiting investments like this based on net worth is discriminatory (probably racially discriminatory, whether that is intended or not) and will only further stratify wealth in America at a time when this is already a significant problem. Leveraged and inverse funds are an important part of my investment strategy.
please do not limit my ability to protect my portfolio. I oppose limitations on my investments.
Any regulation impeding the right of private investors to invest their own money as they see fit violates the freedom of commerce and freedom of association long understood as logical extensions of the Bill of Rights' 1st amendment protections of free speech, petition and assembly, and has no place under American constitutional law.
Please consider my concern that additional burdens, placed by government, on my ability to select the investment vehicles of my choosing, is not merely unwanted, but antithetical to the entire concept of risk/reward, upon which our system is predicated. I strongly urge that regulations be focused exclusively on facilitating efficient investments and leave the particular manner, and options for
I dont want someone or regulators making decision on how do I invest my money.
To Whom it May Concern:
I am an active retail investor with a small portion of portfolio in leveraged and inverse funds.
During the recent market downturn, hedging against losses by investing in leveraged and inverse funds has helped me to beat the market over the past three months. Without access to these types of funds, my ability to respond to market forces would be substantially hampered.
During the 2007-2009 Financial Crisis, inverse funds saved my retirement. I also have occasionally used leveraged funds because of a 24-hr shortage of "settled" funds. I do not want or need the protection afforded by the proposed measures. The Fed has routinely created bubbles in various asset classes, incentivizing investors to use leveraged long funds as the bubble expands.