Inverse funds are used as a means to hedge investments. There is ample information and training online regarding short ETFs and therefore testing investors is an unnecessary administrative and financial burden. Regulations should not be put imposed on individuals who should have the freedom to manage their own risk.
Keep you hands out of my pockets.
Public investment should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged few.
Hello, I am deeply concerned about my future access to complex trading products. I'm not sure your definition of complex products. Adding new red tape and hoops for investors would be beneficial to the rich, wealthy, and upperclass to keep the rich getting richer. Effectively hurting the retail trader and small guy in the economy. Effectively blocking access to the American dream to many in
I oppose the regulation to to limit my investment in leveraged and inverse funds like UltraPro exchange traded funds. I should be allowed to trade freely as I deemed fit based upon the risk I am willing to take.
I oppose any restrictions to my right to invest in specialized leveraged and inverse funds. These types of investment products should be available to any individual's investment strategy and not only to the privileged that can meet a set of arbitrary conditions set by regulators. I felt fully informed and understood all risk involved before I started to use these types of leveraged and
Please stop imposing unwanted and unnecessary rules on us. Please allow us to buy what we want rather than what you decide
I traded stocks from years 2000 through 2019 with little success. In mid 2019, I developed a strategy using leveraged funds, particularly UPRO, which tracks the S&P 500, that I am very comfortable and successful with. It worked during the pullback in March 2020 and during the following bull market through December 2021, and it continues to work during these turbulent times. PLEASE
I do not want this to happen
I have frequently used these instruments over the last five years as hedging mechanisms - They have proved to be useful in lowering risks associated with trading activities - Please keep these investment tools available to the public at large