It's especially important regulators hear from you in your own words. Please use the body of this email to customize your response. I think every investor has right to trade ETFS.
Leveraged assets are very powerful and its not in best interest of many people to add such regulations to buy them.
As an investor and owner of at least a couple of Crypto-products, I am really insulted that as sophisticated as the investor marketplace has become, with so many in the market, that you would choose "now" to talk about regulation on this sector. "Freedom of choice", should not have to be debated in this country. Our money -- our choice. It is not the
I OPPOSE RESTRICTIONS TO MY RIGHT TO INVEST and Public investments should be available to all of the public.
Individuals should be responsible for understanding their investments and should be allowed to use leveraged products in order to do so. Using leveraged products is in many ways safer than using margin or other tools to create leverage. These tools allow many investors to implement different strategies, and the current disclosures are more than appropriate for those investing in them to
I'm fully aware of the risks involved in trading inverse and leveraged products. I do not want any restrictions on my ability to trade in these products.
I find it disturbing that funeral would choose to restrict my ability to protect myself or to enhance my investment by restricting money if not all of these different types of securities I really dont need any more handholding I prefer to be just left alone thank you. Steve Jochimsen
I am well aware of the disadvantages and advantages of investing in leveraged and inverse funds. These are an important part of my stradegy and I use them accordingly.
Please do not impair my ability to use such funds. Doing so would create a hardship and sector decrease my investing opportunities.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing this message to oppose any regulations that would restrict my right to freely invest. I, as a US citizen, should have the right and ability to choose any public investments that I deemed right for me and my family. These public investments should be available to everyone in the public, not a select few. Please do not deprive the public of opportunities to invest
I have been using leveraged ETFs exclusively in my brokerage and retirement investment accounts for the past three years. I have studied them extensively and determined that they are the right choice for me and my family. They are not for everybody. Each investor should due their own research and there's certainly no shortage of information on these investment vehicles. Every investor,