I'm contacting you to oppose the potential additional regulation applied to certain "complex" investments.
First, what I choose to invest in, public or private securities or other instruments, is my sovereign choice. I educated myself on e.g. leveraged and inverse funds, and have an understanding in how they work and their risk/benefit equation as it applies to me.
I do NOT support regulatory changes proposed on leveraged ETF and other funds. These proposed regulations assume the investor doesnt have knowledge of what they are buying. The risks with these funds are well known and disclosed by my brokerage firm. No further regulation is needed. Thank you.
Leveraged/Inverse funds are very useful risk management tools for even the most common retail investors. To impose restrictions of any kind will limit retail investor options and leave only the privileged and institutional investors with the critical risk management tools.
The common retail investors should be able to choose the public investments that are right for you and your family.
I strongly object to any FIRNA curbs on my ownership of "complex" public exchange traded Products, when the vendor has made adequate disclosure of the product's operation and risks. There are far more useful actions that FIRNA can take in other areas to protect investors, eg. SPACs, private equity marketing, etc.
I oppose any restrictions on my right to invest in public investments, including and not limited to leveraged funds.
I am the one to decide which investments are right for myself and my family. Public investments should be available to everyone, not just those someone considers privileged.
There should be no process to go through like passing a test, we don't need some bureaucrat. I am
Its a important investment option for the individual investors.
There should be absolutely zero regulations from the federal government on the access to public cryptocurrency funds or similar investments. Simply by looking at how the government is managing the US Dollar should be the only indicator that it should be doing less.
Please do not allow regulators to impact our ability to buy public investments, leveraged funds, and inverse funds. Investing should not be only available to the rich and certainly should not be political.
I support the idea of allowing investors to choose the investment vehicles that they believe will best serve them. I do not support the idea of establishing hurdle after hurdle for investors to buy or sell investments. Investors weigh their risks and benefits prior to investment. I am requesting that our ability to invest not be further restricted or limited.
Stop blocking citizen from investing in quality public investments only allowing the privileged rich and famous get richer. This is criminal and a war on middle and lower income class of America!