These types of funds are a very important part of my investment portfolio. While they do not make up the majority of my investments, they allow me to choose exactly how much equity risk I expose myself to. In addition, these funds are often safer long term investments than individual stocks. I implore you to maintain the American freedom to invest in the ways we think are best.
I am opposed to limits/tests/net worth qualifications on inverse or leveraged ETFs. I use them as a hedge on a portfolio of stocks to protect from market downturns and I think everyone should have that option. It should be the investors choice. Investors already can buy individual stocks and many of them are down over 50% as well so it's not like people can't lose money the
I do not initiate any investments on margin. I use my own funds for investing in leveraged etfs. If a firm wants to provide leverage for me with their investment vehicle, I should have the right to utilize it without any interference from your organization. The last time I checked, this is still a free country, although sliding into the abyss, rapidly thanks to organizations like yourself. It is
I have been investing for many years and it is just un-american to try to stop normal up standing American citizens from the right to make their own investment decisions. It is important that each individual have the right to choose the best investments for their family. All investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged super-rich who then take advantage of the
I should be able to choose the investments that are right for me and shouldn't have to go through any special process like passing a test before being able to invest in leveraged funds. The choice and risk is mine!
I use leveraged and inverse funds as a way to balance my portfolio and am fully aware of risks involved. This allows me to manage my investments on my own. I strongly believe that this and all investment options should be available to regular retail investors and I should not be made to pay commissions to a fund manager to be able to utilize these instruments. This is an important part of my
Your proposed regulation is counterintuitive. Most investors are well aware of the risk/reward offer by these investment vehicles. Do NOT impose these regulations.
Individual investors should be free to make their own investment choices in well regulated markets. Taking away or making it more difficult to invest in leveraged and inverse financial products could drive investors away from regulated markets and subject them to increased fraud. The risks associated with these products is already well documented in the prospectus. These types of investment
Greetings to the FINRA representatives reading this!
I strongly believe that limiting our ability as investors to trade leveraged or inverse ETFs is a huge mistake for you to make.
The beauty of the Free Market is that everyone can participate freely in it and can profit from their decisions. Leveraged ETFs help traders and investors across the nation achieve their desired results and objectives
I oppose restrictions to my right to invest in leveraged funds.
These leveraged funds are very instrumental in my investment strategy. I use leveraged funds for a small percentage of my total portfolio, buying more shares when prices are low and buying fewer shares when prices rise.
This is a volume averaging strategy involving a double leveraged mid cap etf and a triple leveraged nasdaq fund