I oppose any restrictions on my ability to trade leveraged and inverse funds. These products are an important part of my self directed portfolio and I understand their purpose and limitations. Having these investment options allows me to execute my own investment strategies rather than pay a fee to an investment manager who will still have access to these funds if this regulation is implemented.
I oppose restrictions to my right to invest in any public investment as I see fit. Including leveraged and inverse leveraged funds.
I should be able to choose which investments I make, if they are publicly traded then regular investors should not be impeded. I understand the risks involved and should not have to go through any special processes to invest leveraged and inverse funds.
I find it VERY intrusive and limiting to deny individuals with small capital the opportunity to invest in leveraged funds. These funds are professionally managed, providing defined risks to the investor, and should be viewed no differently than a mutual fund with risk and reward based upon a fixed investment strategy that actually limits risk to the investor while providing access to securities
To much government over reach.
New traders have to learn their job like anyone else on any other job, and learning about the risks and rewards of leveraged and inverse funds only takes a couple of quick real-life lessons. There is no need to impose a bunch of convoluted rules and regulations on these financial tools that make trading difficult for the rest of us.
I should be able to invest in whatever I want.
I am using leverage funds to hedge my positions. I am using it as part of my diversified portfolio.
I shouldn't have to go through any special process
like passing a test before you can invest in public securities,
like leveraged and inverse funds. I am capable of understanding leveraged and inverse funds
and their risks. I do not
Please leave any regulation changes out of leveraged ETF's, these should be able to be traded by everyone. I use them for a retirement account along with swing trading them and don't want the changes to not allow me to trade them any longer. Regulation is an over-reach effect that only holds free market back, thanks for your time and consideration.
I disagree with the decision restrict the purchase of leveraged ETFs.
I am upset and disappointed that FINRA is considering the placement of limitations on my investment capabilities. Why would you deny me the ability to choose investments that can help me financially? I believe I should have the right to determine if my investment decisions are too "complex" for me. Please don't discriminate against me as an investor.