This is illegal and against retail investors rights! You take our rights and leave it for the politicians. In addition the President doesnt do anything about it is more frustrating. You dont treat Americans like human beings. You are a disgrace to human rights.
Why is the FINRA taking away my ability to invest in the investments that I choose? I am a 34-year-old adult and I know how to be a big boy and take the risks of what I'm doing. Some risks, like driving or guns, have regulations in place because of the harm they place on others. However, what harm do my investments place on anyone but myself? As long as the warnings are in place, then we
Please dont restrict our ability to invest in ETFs. They are valuable investment tools and help hedge high risk portfolios or add options to low risk portfolios to increase returns. Theyre a much better option than high flying stocks with almost no earnings.
.I oppose restrictions to my right to invest
Dear Big Government,
It is not your place to tell me how or where I should invest MY hard earned money. I do not need to take a "test" in order to invest MY money where I see fit.
Like other funds, the prospectus of leveraged and inverse funds fully disclose risks they pose. These funds are important to my overall investment strategy.
Public investments should be the right of the person doing the investing. Why do politicians or others think they are better qualified to decide what one does with their funds to invest? If this decision is passed, it must include our elected representatives as well as John Q. Public. It is a disgrace our law makers are allowed to exclude themselves to the regulations of laws they pass for the
I oppose the restrictions to my right to invest.It poses a severe threat towards market fairness. It's like locking people in home because of Flu. Retail traders or investors should be able to freely choose whatever products that fit their trading strategies. Finance is NOT only for the rich or the privileged. We know what leveraged funds are. Also, the liquidity will be severely
I would like to take a moment to let you know that It should be up to me as an individual to make my own decisions to use investment vehicles I see fit for my investment strategies.
Inverse and leveraged funds can be used to protect my investments from down turns or sentiment changes in the markets. It is important that these products remain available and easy to access without undue
Investors should be able to determine if they want to use leveraged and or inverse funds, or any other type fund for that matter. The information is available to make an educated decision on my own, I do not need regulators to make this decision on my behalf.
There are risks with any investment, that is why there are returns to be had. Investors need to exercise good judgement. Do not remove my
I have invested in leveraged funds for many years and thanks to them I have a lot more money than I would have otherwise. I am an experienced investor, I know and accept the risks and volatility of these investments. This is America, where we have the freedom to choose what we believe is best for ourselves. Let us continue to do so!