Please do not limit my ability, and right, to invest in inverse and leveraged funds. These are tools that are instrumental for balanced, and universal trading. I understand short positions and their risks.
Please do not restrict my right or ability to invest. I select the funds I wish to invest in based on my own research, knowledge and risk tolerance. I enter the stock market with full knowledge that it involves risk and no investment is guaranteed to be profitable. With that knowledge, I proceed with the investments I believe are a best fit for the long term success of my family. Please do not
Eliminating inverse leveraged ETFs will cause more risk for investors as they will be forced to spend more money on long leaps and be forced to shorting stocks which has unlimited risk. People need to be able to think for themselves and make their own decisions based on their risk tolerance.
There is nothing inherently dangerous about leveraged funds so long as the trader/investor is educated. There are hazards in many areas of trading - are we to ban trading Options as well ? Then ban trading the day before earnings announcements too ? Where does it end ?
I oppose restrictions on your right to invest in public investments. You are putting more regulations only hurt the investors.
Leveraged and inverse funds are important to my
investment strategies. Going though special process will not help me as no one can be perfectly educated in terms of investing. The process you are going to create only creates activities for your team. It may look like
Let us invest how we want!
It is an investors right to be able to access the entirety of the public securities markets. To limit this to certain high net worth individuals is discriminatory and likely easily overturned in court. Why waste the public's money on guaranteed litigation? Requiring testing before allowing investment is also a barrier to entry. What if I'm someone of lesser means, do I have to pay to
I'm retired, and I've been investing successfully for over40 years now and in that process have used both leveraged and inverse funds in the stock markets, as well as options and futures, in addition to investing in bonds. I take great exception to the FINRA requirements described in Notice #22-08 now being considered which would limit my ability to access some of these
I do not want regulators deciding what i can invest in. I have been investing in these types of funds for over 10 years... We understand and accept the risk. We can invest for our family. We are about free trade. Do not let regulatory screw this up too.
Please leave us alone! We invest at our own risk!