I would like to know what prompted this decision ? Since leveraged and inverse funds are publicly traded I should be able to make my own decision whether to purchase these funds or not. I don't need to get special training or show competence to trade what I want. The whole last year, the ONLY fund I have used has been TQQQ. If this regulation is passed, I pretty much have to stop
I - not regulators should be able to choose the public investments that are right for me. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged.
I shouldn't have to go through any special process like passing a test before I can invest in public securites, like leveraged and inverse funds. I am capable of understanding leveraged and inverse funds and their
Stop infringing on the publics rights!!!
I quite often trade and invest in TQQQ, a triple leveraged fund. I believe that it is my fundamental right to invest as I please whatever strategy works best for me in any market condition. I would hope that FINRA would not restrict the buying and selling of this fund in any way.
It has been a matter of great satisfaction over the years to see how the cost have decreased and the options have increased or individuals who personally invest. Much of this has arisen as a result of competition in the markets and individual investor interest.
It saddens me to learn that the FINRA is seriously considering regulations that would reverse this trend by limiting investors through
As a regular retail investor, my sole activity involves using leveraged and inverse ETFs and ETNs that are designed to track volatility either long or short. I trade and/or hold these products both buying long and selling short, and buy and sell options on them. Taking away my access to these would set to waste the 12+ years I have spent studying and refining my strategies and would completely
I am against this proposed regulation as I believe it to be to epitome of social and economic discrimination against lower and middle class people. Please do not inact this regulation and please consider removing other regulations that are similar in nature such as those that restrict option trading.
Byron Dean
I understand the risk of investing in tqqq I don't need the government telling me "it's to dangerous" and "its to complex for you so where doing this to protect you" I'm perfectly capable of making my own investments and judging my risk tolerance I don't need the government telling that I can't invest in tqqq
Please keep leveraged and inverse funds since they are important to my investment strategies,
please let people decide if they choose these financial vehicles. Regulators should not decide where I can place my money. Leveraged funds are an important part of my risk management in my investments.