TO: All NASD Members and Municipal Securities Dealers
ATTN: All Operations Personnel
Securities markets and the NASDAQ System will be closed on Thursday, November 28, 1985, in observance of Thanksgiving Day. "Regular-way" transactions made on the preceding business days will be subject to the settlement date schedule listed below.
Trade Date-Settlement Date Schedule For "Regular-
FINRA publishes this quarterly review to provide firms with a sampling of recent disciplinary actions involving misconduct by registered representatives. The sample includes settled matters and decisions in litigated cases (National Adjudicatory Council decisions and decisions of the SEC in FINRA cases).
TO: All NASD Members and Other Interested Persons
The Securities and Exchange Commission has amended Rule 15c3-3 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. These amendments, which for the most part, become effective on November 22, 1985, are designed to assure that customer funds and securities held by broker-dealers are protected against misuse or insolvency. It is anticipated that the net
TO: All NASD Members and Level 2 and Level 3 Subscribers
On Tuesday, November 19, 1985, 18 issues are scheduled to join the NASDAQ National Market System, bringing the total number of issues in NASDAQ/NMS to 2,172. These 18 issues, which will begin trading under real-time trade reporting, are entering the NASDAQ/NMS pursuant to the Securities and Exchange Commission's criteria for
TO: All NASD Members and Other Interested Persons
At its November meeting, the NASD's Board of Governors determined to take several actions in the area of short sale regulation in the over-the-counter securities market. This notice summarizes these actions.
Reporting of Open Short Interest Positions
The first such action will require members to report to the NASD, for purposes of
TO: All NASD Members and Level 2 and Level 3 Subscribers
On Tuesday, December 3, 1985, 23 issues are scheduled to join the NASDAQ National Market System, bringing the total number of issues in NASDAQ/NMS to 2,183. These 23 issues, which will begin trading under real-time trade reporting, are entering the NASDAQ/NMS pursuant to the Securities and Exchange Commission's criteria for voluntary
TO: All NASD Members and Interested Persons
Listed below is the NASD's 1986 schedule of holidays.
January 1 (Wednesday)
New Year's Day
February 17 (Monday)
Washington's Birthday Observed
March 28 (Friday)
Good Friday
May 26 (Monday)
Memorial Day Observed
July 4 (Friday)
Independence Day
September 1 (Monday)
Labor Day
November 27 (Thursday)
Thanksgiving Day
TO: All NASD Members
NASD members are invited to vote on a proposal to amend recently adopted Article III, Section 26(m) of the NASD Rules of Fair Practice. (See Notice to Members 86-54, dated July 30, 1986.) The proposed amendment to Section 26(m) would limit the circumstances under
TO: All NASD Members and Level 2 and Level 3 Subscribers
On Tuesday, July 21, 1987, 20 issues are scheduled to join the NASDAQ National Market System, bringing the total number of issues in NASDAQ/NMS to 2,993. These 20 issues, which will begin trading under real-time trade reporting, are entering NASDAQ/NMS pursuant to the Securities and Exchange Commission's criteria for voluntary
TO: All NASD Members and Other Interested Persons
The Securities and Exchange Commission has approved amendments to its rules, to Schedule D to the NASD By-Laws, and to the NASD's Transaction Reporting Plan, which will have the effect of: (1) requiring NASDAQ/NMS companies to comply with certain standards of corporate governance; (2) moving NASDAQ/NMS designation criteria