I David teague oppose limitations on my investments , no one should tell me what I can invest in.
Leveraged and inverse funds are an important part of my investment strategy.
Hello, I would like the ability to invest in inverse and leveraged products without using derivative securities directly. Taking away that right would only limit retail ability to take advantage of certain exposures.
Please do not limit my ability to profit from market drops just as I would from market rises. It seems unfair for the little guy (me) to not be able to profit from all market directions like the big guys can. I understand the risks and trade accordingly. Any restrictions need to be applied to all directions, up and down, and to EVERYONE!
I have been heavily investing in Leveraged ProShares ETF's over the past 6 months. This is a personal investment of my own funds and is VERY important to my investment portfolio currently. By implementing radical restrictions to these now would GREATLY damage my investment value instantly. That would directly result in my taking huge losses as my investments in these ETF's are based on
I oppose restrictions to my right to invest.
Anybody should be able to choose public investments that are right for them.
Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged.
I have the knowledge and experience to choose the public investment that I believe are the most appropriate for myself. Public investments should be available to all US citizens, no exceptions, and not only the privileged. I do use leveraged ETFs as a very small part of my overall portfolio for the purpose of enhanced returns. I did spend a lot of time learning about leveraged ETFs before using
Please allow all investors to retain access to leveraged and inverse funds. The risks of such things are well documented and investors are warned adequately prior to making buy and sell orders. Allow us to invest how we feel is most beneficial for our own well being.
Let the public decide how they invest their funds. Leveraged and inverse funds are key funds that democratize the investment process - otherwise these types of instruments are only in the hands of the top 1%, rather than everyone.
The investment environment became very difficult because it could not keep inflation under control and because of all government spending and the war they created lately people are losing all their savings in the market It is not time for changing rules until the government correct the mess it created